
Russia • 出生于 1956

Born in the city of Vladimir. In 1982 graduated from the history faculty of the VSPI. Dealt with the problem of the development of jewelry in Ancient Russia. A member of the artists Union since 1995 Since 1982 worked at the enterprises of the jewelry industry. In 1990 awarded the title of "Master artist of the highest class". Has a personal stamp.

Only works in their own individual manner, in the technique of a complex installation with the elements of granulation and filigree. Since 1990 the wizard was purchased on contracts for Germany and the United States.

His personal exhibitions were organized in Moscow, Vladimir and in Greece. Many works of the artist are in private collections in England, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, and in the collection of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-reserve, Vladimir Foundation for culture, in the collections of his Holiness the Patriarch.

Since 1994 member of the International Federation of Artists of UNESCO.

Since 1994 member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and arts.

Since 1996 corresponding member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and arts (Saint-Petersburg).

Since 1998 full member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and arts.

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