Andivich Arinj

Latvia • 1907−1991

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Lived and worked in Tukums.

Born in Riga, but spent his childhood in Labinskom district. Already in Rusalsko elementary school in 1920. year launched his first exhibition of drawings and watercolors in 1922.year at the time a popular wessem journal", Jaunibas tekas" published his picture. In years Tukums secondary school formed friends with similar interests - Carl Nellis and Ansis Artums. They wrote and make a General exhibition.

1925.g. up to 1942. years intermittently he studied painting at the Latvian Academy of Arts. Academic program it is not passionate, and committed Arings to work independently. Attends the Studio of Voldemārs Tone, Romans Suta, niklav strunke, Teodors Zalkalns, interested in the work of Voldemārs Matthew and Cabs Kazaks. Masters of the world he is interested in Vincent van Gogh and Henri Matisse. Leonid Arinis is not constrained within any specific school - he does not reject creative influences and borrowings. In his work you can see the influence of French painting is characteristic of the Fauve colors, the resonance of the paintings of Matisse, Bonnard, Mazarella, Fayum portraits and Lithuanian painting.

Part in exhibitions since 1936.year (personal vystavki - 1977.,1978., 1984., in Riga, Tukums, etc.)

A lot of work on drawing, contemplating nature, and so becomes concise, strives to create your characters, your code mirozdaniya.

Leonid Arings created and managed (1938-1953) the Tukums art Museum.

Literature: catalogue "Leonid Arenes", Tukums. Tukums Museum, 1994.

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