Alexandrovna Alimasova

Russia • 出生于 1939


Associate Professor of painting and art. – graphic faculty of Universiteta.

13.11.1939 was born in the town klitzy of Bryansk oblast.

1956-1961 - study in the Cheboksary art College.

1961-1964 - visual art teacher in secondary school № 28 g. Cheboksary.

1964-1971 - the architect in the design Institute "Chuvash the civil project".

1971-1974 - artist at advertising Studio "rembyttekhnika".

1974 - graduated from art-graphic faculty of CGPI them. I. Yakovlev and invited to work at HGF, CGPI as a teacher of fine art.

from 1974

at present

time -teaches a special discipline at the art-graphic faculty of the Chuvash state pedagogical University. I. Yakovlev;

- involved with creative works on the international, national, regional, Republican, interuniversity and personal art exhibitions.

1984-1986 - post-graduate course at the Moscow pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin

1990 - awarded the degree of candidate of pedagogical Sciences.

1994 - awarded the academic title of Professor of painting.

1995 - admitted as a member of the Union of artists of the Russian Federation.

1996 - awarded the honorary title "Honored worker of education of the Chuvash Republic".

1996 - 1997 - was the acting Dean of HGF chgpu im. V. I. Lenin.

  • 教育