Alexandrovich Malinka

Russia • 出生于 1935


Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in Taganrog, Russia. He studied at the painting faculty of the Rostov art school (1952 – 1957). In 1967 he graduated from the Studio of book graphic faculty of the Kiev state art Institute, where he studied under V. Kasiyan and V. Chebanik. For 25 years collaborated with book publishing houses of Ukraine, in 1966 – 1968 – artistic editor of the publishing house "Molod". Permanent member of various city, regional, Republican, all-Union and international art exhibitions. Since 1970 – member of Union of artists. The artist's works are stored in the namu, the State Museum of books and printing of Ukraine, the Central state archive-Museum of literature and art of Ukraine, Sevastopol HMM, Rostov Museum of fine arts, Norilsk, Taganrog KG etc.