Gennadievich Alekseev

Russia • 出生于 1940


Painter, jeweler. Born in Rostov. He graduated from the Moscow art-industrial school im. M. I. Kalinin (1967). Works in different genres: portrait, genre, historical, and iconographic miniature landscape. Known as the author of monumental compositions. Deals with development of technologies in the field of enamels. The only from the Rostov artists who use paintings, colored enamel. From 1975 takes part in regional, zonal, Republican, all-Union and foreign exhibitions. Member of artists Union of Russia (1980). Awarded the medal "In honor of 850 anniversary of Moscow" (1997) and a Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts (1998). Works of the artist are in the Russian Museum of decorative-applied and folk art (Moscow), state Museum "Rostov Kremlin", the State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg), Museum of the factory "Rostov enamel", the Armory gikmz "Moscow Kremlin", the Yaroslavl Museum-preserve, Yaroslavl art Museum and in private domestic and foreign collections.

  • 教育