Vikentevna Tokareva (Koloshko)

Russia • 出生于 1922

Born on Valentine Kolosko (maiden name is Valentina Tokareva Vikentieva) 5 Jun 1922. Mother, Anna Kuzminichna, good singing, sewing, knitting. Father, Vincent Vikentievich, an engineer by profession, played various musical instruments - from violins to domra. And endowments of the parents were passed on to the daughter.

Valentine Vikentieva he entered the painting Studio of the regional house of pioneers, led by Anatoly Andreyevich Kunitsyn. At the same time the young artist visited the Studio of the great sculptor sculpting-teacher Grigory Andreyevich Kozlov. And in 1940 he entered the art faculty of the Textile Institute. But came 1941. War. All the art colleges were evacuated. In Moscow there MGPI im. V. P. Potemkin, and Valentine Vikentieva transferred to the second year of the art faculty of the Institute. There he taught fine artists and art historians. Young student was lucky enough to study painting and drawing from a wonderful person, a wonderful artist, a talented teacher of Alexander Solovyov, head of the Department of drawing and painting. Valentina Vikentievna studied with such outstanding teachers as: V. In Kolegaev, A. A. Rybnikov, G. B. Smirnov, L. A. Bruni. It is impossible to speak about the Department of art MGPI im. V. P. Potemkin those years, her staff - color Patriotic art: Head of Department Professor N. N. Sobolev. With his family, wife Alexandra Ivanovna and daughter Elena Nikolaevna, Valentin Tokarev enjoyed warm and friendly relations for over 60 years.

In 1943, V. V. Tokareva offer to attend graduate school at the Department of painting.

In 1946, after the successful completion of postgraduate studies (head-A. Soloviev), V. Tokarev worked as a teacher at the Department of painting. Wonderful artist, wonderful teacher, a principled and honest man, V. V. Tokarev passed on their knowledge to students in the years from 1946 to 1992.

Interesting how many artists worked on the art-graphic faculty together with V. Tokareva: P. P. Sokolov-Skal, E. A. Tokarev, T. G. Gaponenko, V. P. Efanov, S. I. Dudnik, F. P. Reshetnikov, etc.

Along with successful pedagogical activity of V. V. Tokarev were painting flowers, landscapes, portraits and most importantly, portraits of children. Only when the virtuoso technique it is possible to create spirited children's way.

Unusually fresh flowers, full feeling trembling of life, its beautiful transience - certificate of proficiency in brilliant watercolors.

And, of course, master drawing - from sketch to long-lasting academic Studio. The accuracy, expressiveness, figurativeness, academic strength and absolute freedom. In all work, from small sketches to large portraits, freshness, and youthfulness, however, the hand of the master.


1956. Second all-Union exhibition of watercolors, Moscow

1958. Exhibition of works by artists of Moscow women, Moscow

1965. The third exhibition "Artists-teachers - school", Moscow

1965. Exhibition of works of artists-teachers, Moscow

1978. The first all-Russian exhibition "School, teacher, art", Moscow (Awarded the diploma)

1978 the Fifth all-Union exhibition of watercolor, Moscow

1979 exhibition of works of artists-teachers of educational institutions, Moscow (Awarded the diploma).

1980.Exhibition of works of teachers of art-graphic faculty of MSA to them. V. I. Lenin, Moscow. 1983 all-Russian exhibition "School, teacher, art", Moscow

1988 all-Russian exhibition "School, teacher, art", Moscow

1989 Personal exhibition (together with students) "V. V. Tokarev - the teacher and students", Moscow

1996 exhibition in the halls of the Timiryazev Academy Moscow

Awards V. V. Tokareva:

"Excellence in public education"

Medal "For valiant labor in the great Patriotic war 1941 - 1945"

Medal "Veteran of labour"

Medal "50 years of victory"

Medal "850th anniversary of Moscow"

Diplomas of the Ministry of education and the Institute for

(information is published with the permission of the administration of the official website of Nikolay Tokarev

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