Gadzhievich Yusupov

Russia • 出生于 1949


Graduated MGHI them. V. I. Surikov (workshop of monumental painting of the Queen K. Y.) in 1977, a member of the CX CCCP (USDA) since 1987 Since 1977-participant of exhibitions. Awarded I prize of the Ministry of agriculture (1980), MA degree (1987), III prize of the Ministry of agriculture (1991). The author of works of monumental-decorative art (painting, stained glass, relief) for public buildings in the cities of Russia. Is engaged in easel painting. Works are in the collections of the Ministry of agriculture and the Ministry of culture of the USSR, Academy of fine Arts, private collections in Russia, Germany, France, Poland. Represented in the directory CX MDI MOA, 2008.

  • 教育
  • 老师