Ivanovich Filimonov

Russia • 出生于 1960

May 31, 1960, was Born in the village Tamala, the Penza region.

1976 – 1982 study in Kholuy art vocational school of lacquer miniature in Ivanovo region.

1980 – 1982 Military service in the Kremlin regiment.

1984 – 1989 Studies at the graphic faculty of the Moscow state. the pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin.

1993 Enrolled in graduate school at Moscow state pedagogical University. V. I. Lenin.

1989 – 2007, Working as a Professor in the Department of drawing art-graphic faculty MPGU

1998 Entered into the professional Creative Union of Artists of Russia

In 2005 he Joined the Union of artists of Russia. Member of the international Association of Fine Arts – IAPA UNESCO.

2006: Joined the Moscow Union of artists, Association of artists. Married, have three children.

Filimonov I. A. – participant of Moscow, Republican and personal exhibitions. Works are in private collections of Russia, Germany and France.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

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