Nikolaevich Onkov

Russia • 出生于 1946



1946. he was Born in the Perm region.

1970 Graduated from the Leningrad state pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen majoring in "drawing, sketching and work"

1995 Member of Union of artists of Russia

(b. 17.06.1946, S. YUS They R Perm. region). Graphic artist, painter, sculptor. Born in the family of employees. He graduated from art-graphical Department of Leningrad state pedagogical Institute im. A. I. Herzen (1970).

Worked as a teacher in the pedagogical school of the city of Kudymkar, then in 1973 - 1992 - teacher of painting and sculpture at the school of arts in Kudymkar. 1992 - freelance artist, performs one-time orders, makes creative trips... Member of regional, district, zonal and national art exhibitions: reporting exhibition of the Permian Komi artists in Perm. state art gallery, a large open-air "Perm Krai - 2006" (Perm - Kudymkar). Has a number of solo exhibitions.

Lit.: Vitaly Onkov: painting, graphics, sculpture: album cat. works / ed. introd. art., comp.: D. A. Zhdanov. Perm: Star, 1998. 96 s.: Il.;

Zhdanov D. A. the Artists of Parma // Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug on the turn of the century. Kudymkar, 2000. S. 222-227;

Parma artists: painting, graphics, sculpture, ceramics: [album cut] / [comp. N. Yulia Novikova ed.; introd. article: D. A. Zhdanov]. Kudymkar: [b. I.], 2004 (Perm: Star). 120, [2] p.: Col. Il.;

Zhdanov Modern artists of Parma: the booklet of the exhibition. Perm, 2004.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", A. D. Zhdanov)

  • 教育