evgen'evich Princhenko

Russia • Orenburg • 画家, 收藏家


Leonid Pronchenko 1956 - Artist Biography Leonid Pronchenko, born b.1956. Orenburg. 1967-1970. ДХШ Orenburg. 1972 entered the Saratov art. uch. 1975-1977 service in SA In 1979, he graduated from the Orenburg art class. 1983 graduated from Alma-Ata State Theater Institute of Art. In 1996 he was admitted to the Union of Artists of Russia and members of the International Association of Fine Arts-AIAP of UNESCO. 2000-2004 lived and worked in Paris. 2004-2014 lived and worked in the Czech Republic Mr. Zlin. From 2015 I live and work in Russia .. Works are in museums of private collections in France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Japan. C W A http://www.arteelite.it/artwork/389/pronchenko-leonid-figure-1989 https://www.artycolorgallery.com/artistes/artistes-contemporains-internationaux/artistes/leonid-pronchenko/ https: //leo3146.in.gallerix.ru http://artsalesindex.artinfo.com/auctions/Leonid-Prontchenko-4429463/Promenade http://artvincent.ru/catalog/zhivopis/pr
Information about me. My paintings and prices are available in the MAYER 1994 Switzerland. BENEZIT E France. AKAUN France. On the ARTPRISE website.