Vitalievich Klimohin

出生于 1960


Klimkin Alexander V. was born in 1960. A graduate of the Ivanovo art school. Since 1985 the constant participant of exhibitions in the country and abroad.

The winner of the Ivanovo branch of the Russian Fund of culture. Winner of the regional prize named after people's artist of Russia M. I. Malyutin. His work has been exhibited in Germany, Hungary, India, Italy.

Member of the Union of artists of Russia and International Association of fine arts — IAPA UNESCO. In 2000 he received the Grand Prix of the Russian-Italian contest-exhibition "Pastel-II".

His personal exhibitions were held: Herford (Germany); Kolkata, Russian centre of science and culture (India); Ivanovo regional art Museum.

In 2006 he was awarded the Honorary diploma of the Governor of the Ivanovo region for longstanding conscientious work and great contribution to the development of fine arts.

The artist's works acquired by Ivanovo regional art Museum, the Plyos state historical-architectural and art Museum-reserve, Museum of art Bologna (Italy), and are in private collections of Russia, Germany, France, Hungary, India, Italy.

Talented, original, recognizable and loved by the audience artist. Any technique, whether in oil, pastel or tempera it works brilliantly. In the painting the artist is significantly positive, light and optimistic attitude to the world, nature and man.

The appeal of his work at harmony, emotional and artistic wealth, high scenic culture.

About his work he says: "Remember, walking in the children's art school, envious glances on the bench at the entrance to art College, where imposingly sat the students of this educational institution. Somehow wanted to become an artist... And that's already a long way in his beloved profession. I love the process itself. The end result is unexpected for itself, although, of course, the plan exists. See in this interest, I want the work brought joy. Do not miss the opportunity to please himself in the choice of topics. Even cultivate it without looking back and imagining the future, produced in a specific interior situation. Try to trust your intuition (I hope that onaya is the place to be), to listen to yourself. I really want to be an artist..."