The Toilet of the Queen of Sheba

Solomon Novik • 绘画, 2020, 60×90 厘米
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艺术类型: 绘画
题材和对象:: 神话画
风格: Newsymbols
技法: 混合媒体
资料: 画布, 丙烯酸
创造日期: 2020
大小: 60×90 厘米

画作描述 «The Toilet of the Queen of Sheba»

The painting, Queen of Sheba's Toilet, shows Bilkis in front of a magic mirror and the hud-hud bird (hoopoe), which is the mystical eye of Solomon, who is known to have comprehended the language of beasts and birds. Thus the king learns of the existence of the queen of Sheba and writes a letter to her, inviting her to visit him. "The bird, the king's intuitive thought, discovered the heavenly realm of the unconscious, which is ruled by the anima, and, as the continuation of this story shows, the king's libido immediately rushed there."