Lawrence Stephen

United Kingdom • 1887−1976
Laurence Stephen Lowry

Birthday: 01.11.1887 year
Place of birth: Stretford, Lancashire, UK
Date of death: 23.02.1976 year
In 1915, he enrolled at the Royal technical College, Salford (Salford Royal Technical College), today known as the University of Salford (University of Salford) where he pursued his studies until 1925. This is where he got his interest in the creation of industrial landscapes, so, in that period, Lauri began forming his unique artistic style.

Lawrence's father died in 1932, leaving the family in debt. Mother because of the constant neurosis and depression was confined to his bed, and he had to take care of her. So, working as a clerk by day and caring for her sick mother in the evening, Lauri and spent his life, finding for his paintings of the time at night when his mother fell asleep. By the way, a simple clerk, he worked for about 40 years, and only when Lauri had crossed the 50-year life abroad, it came to popularity and even fame.

It is noteworthy that living and working in a very closed own little world, Lauri was absolutely impervious to any of the fashion at that time the artistic styles and directions, at the same time developed during the long years of solitary drawing your own unique style.

The first exhibition took place when the artist was 52 years, but the success of this event was so great that the artist himself, it seemed, was not ready for it. By the way, friends have described Lowery as the person closed, and at the same time a lover of jokes and stories. Separately, it was noted that sometimes he fully surrendered his imagination, telling, for example, a funny story or a joke, he could completely forget about the veracity of the facts, concentrating on the embellishment of funny moments.

In terms of creativity Lauri, to the moment when he became suddenly popular, he was probably the only British artist working in the genre of industrial landscape.

Today Laurence Stephen Lowry is one of the most celebrated British artists and his landscapes of the industrial North simply have no equal. Dibs Lauri steel 'people-matches' present in almost all the paintings of the artist. Thus, his paintings depict a very deceptively simple pictures – hurrying home after work people; people waiting for trains at the station; just rest of people. But these seemingly naïve paintings were full of hidden strength and energy.
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