Portrait Of Helen

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec • 绘画, 1889, 75×50 厘米
Digital copy: 361.5 kB
1489 × 2461 px • JPEG
33.3 × 50 厘米 • 114 dpi
25.2 × 41.7 厘米 • 150 dpi
12.6 × 20.8 厘米 • 300 dpi
Digital copy is a high resolution file, downloaded by the artist or artist's representative. The price also includes the right for a single reproduction of the artwork in digital or printed form.
艺术类型: 绘画
题材和对象:: 画像
风格: 后印象派
资料: 画布
创造日期: 1889
大小: 75×50 厘米
作品在精选中: 10 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
In the hospital Saint-Lazare
In the hospital Saint-Lazare
1893, 24×16 cm
Young Roti Celerain
Young Roti Celerain
1882, 51×61 cm
Digital copy
Madame Popul preening
Madame Popul preening
1898, 60.8×49.6 cm
Digital copy
Alphonse de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa Driving his Mail-Coach in Nice
Alphonse de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa Driving his Mail-Coach in Nice
1881, 38.5×51 cm
Digital copy
In "Moulin Rouge", French-Russian fraternization
In "Moulin Rouge", French-Russian fraternization
1894, 32.8×24.7 cm
Rider and dog
Rider and dog
1898, 25.6×19 cm
Little pony and the dog
Little pony and the dog
1898, 35×47 cm
May Belfort
May Belfort
1895, 48×22 cm
The jockey on the way to the scales
The jockey on the way to the scales
1900-е , 38×28 cm
Reine de Joie, poster
Reine de Joie, poster
1892, 136×93 cm
Œuvres recommandées
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Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
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Квартирный вопрос только испортил их
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Alexei Vladimirovich Shevchuk. В поиске себя
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В поиске себя
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Olga Shatskaya. Indian ringed parrot
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