Sergeyevich Ugarov

Russia • 1922−1991


People's artist of the USSR (1982). Member of the Academy of arts of the USSR (1978). Since 1983, the President of the USSR Academy of Arts.

Awarded a gold medal and diploma of the USSR Academy of arts. Laureate of the State Prize them. I. E. Repin (1976), laureate of the State prize of the USSR (1985).

Studied at INISA them. I. E. Repin at V. M. Oreshnikov, A. A. Mylnikov and, at the graduate school of the Academy of Arts (1951-1954) by A. M. Gerasimov.

From 1952 he taught at INISA them. I. E. Repin. Since 1971 Professor, 1977-1983 gg. rector.

Headed workshop of easel painting (1979) and creative workshop (1987).

In 1975-1979 he was Chairman of the Board, Leningrad Union of artists.

Since 1983 honorary member of the society of the workers of pictorial art of Austria.

Solo exhibitions were held in Leningrad (1972, Museum of arts of the USSR; 1982, the State Russian Museum), Moscow (1982 hall of arts of the USSR), the cities of the Soviet Union (1980-1981).

Works are in State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum.

Boris Sergeevich Ugarov was born in 1922 in Petrograd. In the year of graduation from secondary school for him, dreaming about studying at the University, like many of his peers, began the Great Patriotic war. At nineteen he volunteered in the militia, and then to the front. Served as a gunner-gunner, participated in the fighting on the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts, in Karelia and the far East.

The war with its heavy everyday life, where life and death every minute, they became a source of great emotional upheaval. Boris Ugarov saw the mangled war city, wounded nature. And the pain of these losses gave rise to heart-wrenching anguish about the fragility of nature and man.

Through the entire war Boris Ugarov carried a monograph Grabar about Valentin Serov, taken from the house. In peacetime he worked in the Studio of the House of scientists in A. Rylov, and M. Platonova, Attended the Studio of A. Eberlinga. However, thoughts about the artistic vocation has found an unexpected clarity in a time of war. In 1944, Boris Ugarov wrote her first picture “the Crossing of artillery across the river Svir” for army Museum in Stockholm. Then followed the second “Artillery in the mountains” for army exhibition in Moscow, a series of portraits from life. After long-awaited victory and the end of the war Boris Ugarov based on the works of the war years were enrolled in Institute. I. E. Repin Russian Academy of arts.5 Марта1947 he wrote in his diary: “My hope for improvements in drawing and painting is based on an independent, careful work up a sweat to the blood and on Wednesday a good friend, strong in art... or one hour for nothing! Tightly plan the time!”

From the third year of Boris Ugarov studied in the Studio of I. E. Grabar. However, due to frequent traveling teacher between Moscow and Leningrad, the Studio was actually in charge of V. Oreshnikov (painting) and A. Mylnikov (figure). In 1951 Boris Ugarov defended his diploma painting “the collective farm spring”, getting an excellent mark. While in the diary appeared: “Starts an independent life of an artist... to Learn many things”.

From 1951 to 1954 he studied in graduate school at the Institute. I. E. Repin under the direction of A. M. Gerasimov. Its end was marked by the creation of the painting “the collective farm. 1929”. With this work Boris Ugarov declared himself as an artist of major talent. And all subsequent years confirmed this, becoming one of the outstanding masters of Russian realistic painting.

Boris Ugarov wrote historical paintings, portraits, creating cycles of landscapes. Since 1951, taught in the native Institute. I. E. Repin. Here are the main milestones of his biography:

1971 - Professor of painting and composition

1973 - corresponding member of the USSR Academy of arts

1975 - head of the Leningrad branch of Union of artists of the USSR

1977 - the rector of the Institute. Repin

1978 - member of the Academy of arts of the USSR

1982 - people's artist of the USSR

1983 - 1991 - President of the Academy of arts of the USSR

Boris Sergeevich by Ugarova created a huge number of works. Among them: “In the mines. 1912” (1957, State. Tretyakov Gallery), “Leningrad” (1961. State. Russian Museum), “Jun. 1941” (1975, Tula Museum of fine arts), “Revival” (1980, State. Russian Museum) and many others.

Immediately after his death, the artist's widow, Marina O. Ugarov wrote: “September 1991. Empty, quiet apartment. All things on the ground, on the easel my portrait, which Bob wanted to make “a few strokes” and sign it. But never will be nothing done... All in the past. On the Desk in the office is always very tidy, in a conspicuous place a white sheet of paper, and on it in red ink: “Life is so short, you need to have time to do everything...”