Petrovich Belmasov

Russia • 出生于 1940

Thesis in the CVC (the Studio of V. M. Oreshnikov) - Family, assessment - satisfactory. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter, teacher.


Born on 17 Sep 1940 in Krymsk, Krasnodar territory.

He studied at the Rostov art College named. M. B. Grekov (1960-1964)

in A. M. Chernyshev.

At the Leningrad state Institute of painting, sculpture

and architecture. I. E. Repina, V. M. Oreshnikov, B. S. Ugarov, V. I. reihet, A. Debler, AH the USSR (1937-1939).

He taught at the Rostov art College named. M. B. Grekov (1972-1973; 1981-1983).

Lives and works in Rostov-on-don.

A member of the artists Union of the RSFSR since 1977

Honored artist of Russia since 2000.

Participant of exhibitions since 1970.

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