Nikolai Kornilovich

Russia • 1850−1921

Biografie und Informationen

A descendant of an old family of Moldavian rulers, Chegodar-Badaracco, born November 12, 1850 in Odessa, in the family of a titular Counsellor. In 1868 he was admitted to the Academy of fine arts, and during his training was awarded 4 silver and one small gold medals.

For the program "the Apostle Paul in Caesarea says, saving it" was awarded the title of class artist of the first degree, and in 1908 was recognized as an academician. Work Bodarevsky was exhibited at the academic, historical, and travelling art exhibitions. Characteristic titles of his works, representing the so-called "academic genre" in Russian art of late XIX - early XX century: "the Apostle Paul on the court", "Amazon", "orphan", "the Death of St. Nicholas", "noisy ball", "Antique dances". In addition, Bodarevsky showed great promise as a portrait painter, was noted for archaeology. He was elected a member of the Association of mobile art exhibitions. As a painter, gravitated to academia, but using external techniques of other modern trends of Russian painting, such as "modern", characterized Bodarevsky his work for the Church of the Resurrection. In his 16 boards were made of a mosaic: "St. Vladimir" and "St. Mary Magdalene" (North small iconostasis), and "SV. Queen Alexandra" and "St. Nikolay Chudotvorets" (small southern iconostasis), "the virgin with two angels", "Archdeacon Lawrence", "the Lord Emmanuel", "SV. archdeacon Stephen", two of the Seraphim and four archangels; for of the Western pylons of the temple - the "Betrayal of Judas" and "Christ before Pilate".

24 Nov 1850 in Odessa, was born Nikolai Bodarevsky Kornilievich. His first artistic training he received in Odessa drawing school society for the encouragement of fine arts. In 1869 he entered the Imperial Academy of arts, where he studied with T. T. Neff, M. P. Shamshina, VP Vereshagina. In 1881 he exhibited at the academic exhibition of paintings, "Repose of St. Nicholas" and "the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas of Bari". Since 1884 he participated in exhibitions of the Association of traveling exhibitions each year exhibiting portraits and everyday pictures. And the nature of realist painting, and genre priorities it can be attributed to "late" the Wanderers, artists, developing traditional themes and subjects of the Wanderers, but without the same breadth of social generalizations and emotional tension. So, "portrait of a girl" 1844, located in the Saratov state art Museum named after A. N. Radishchev, represents the image of the girl not of the aristocratic class, a bourgeois or intellectual circles.

The only decoration of the costume is the white collar with lace, which looks thin adolescent neck. Hair parted in the middle combed over his ears. The pale thin face stand out big brown eyes, carefully looking at the viewer. Portrait attracts commonplace and yet the depth of the created image. The same can be said about the landscape, "Spasskoye-Lutovinovo. The Estate Of Ivan Turgenev". The beauty of the landscape of the identified motif is traditional for the Russian middle of the strip. Receding into the distance the horizon line. In the distance one can see the buildings of the estate. Closer to the viewer, right - compressed the field and in the foreground - a dark meadow with flowers. The landscape is good, recognizable and at the same time similar to many other landscape painting of the second half of the XIX century, when the tradition of the domestic landscape had already formed and established. In the State Russian Museum exhibited picture Bodarevsky "Wedding in little Russia" in the Tretyakov gallery – "the Fisherman".

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