Vaginakovich Bekaryan

Russia • geboren in 1913

Biografie und Informationen

Thesis in the CVC - "Shooting", the rating is good. The training took place at the faculty of painting, awarded the title of artist of painting.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

People's artist of Armenian SSR, Professor.

He graduated from the Academy of arts in Leningrad in 1939. A significant place in the work of B occupy landscapes (the"Prospectus Mikoyan", "Spring") and portraits ("A. G. Kojoyan", etc.). The major successes achieved B. in work on a topical picture. In recent years he created a number of meaningful, realistic paintings ("Builders", 1947, "Khachatur Abovyan", 1948, "Introduction of the XI army to Yerevan in 1920", 1949), which truthfully and convincingly captured the images of his native country and its people.

Lit.: Directory reporting exhibition A. Bekaryan, Yerevan, 1947.