Abdul-Khamitovich Taktashev

Russia • geboren in 1949

Biografie und Informationen

(born 19.1.1949, Astrakhan), painter, graphic artist, teacher. He graduated from the Moscow state art Institute named after V. I. Surikov (1974), studied at A. M. Gritsai and D. D. Zhilinsky. In 1974-93 artist Astrakhan artistic production workshops of the Artistic Fund of the RSFSR, lecturer at Astrakhan art College named after P. A. Vlasov (1980 -2001), associate Professor of architecture and design Astrakhan Institute of civil engineering (2001-08), assistant Professor of drawing and painting at Astrakhan state University (2008-09).Member of the Union of artists (1980).

Talent Shamil Taktasheva as one of the leading painters of the Astrakhan region, revealed in a genre of story-themed paintings. In the peculiar style of paintings (oil, tempera on gesso, mixed technique) created by the symbolic-allegorical and metaphorical images, in which Taktashev philosophically reveals the spiritual quest of man, relevant social themes. Many of the paintings are collected in the series "Chimera of harmony", "Angle", "Stanza", "Antique motifs", "Transition", "Excuse" (2-I floor. 1990s-2000s). In his works, Taktashev evolved from paintings, characteristic of the Soviet school of painting ("In the garden", 1977; triptych "We", 1987-90; "Overcoming", 1987; "System",1988; Spring, 1990), to figurative and symbolic and formal in style works ("Both", 1991; "Thawed", 1992; "the Day," 1994; Grim, 1995; "Daphne", "Doll", "just", all of 1997; The "cloud", "EOS", both 1998; rose, 1999) and to the academic painting style with an original visual angles ("Artist and model", 2001; "the Capital",2002; "Alley",2003; "the painted angel", "me", both 2004; "Armor", 2007; "Ornament", 2008, "Cup", "Bird", both 2008, Not "landscape", "Cloud", both in 2009). In recent years, Taktashev refers to the easel graphic works (pencil, ink, gouache, pastel, watercolor) - a series of drawings on the theme of "the divine Comedy", by Dante A. (1988-89); "Appealing", 1995; "Sign", "centaur", "Drawing", all-1998; angel resentful, 2005, "Breakfast", 2007; "the Customer", "Moon", 2008).

Participant of exhibitions since 1974: zonal "Big Volga" ( Gorky, 1974; Kazan, 1991; 1998, Nizhny Novgorod, 1998); the all - Union exhibition of graduates of art schools (1977, Moscow), which exhibited thesis T. "My grandmother and I"; all-Russian - exhibition - performance dedicated to V. Khlebnikov in the homeland of the poet (1990, p. Malye Derbety, Astrakhan region); contemporary experimental art "Reflection" (1991, Elista), "Art-Collegium" (1994, St. Petersburg); foreign - "Contemporary Russian art"(2003, Djakarta, Indonesia); all-Tatar "Tatart" (St.-Petersburg, Kazan, 1991), artists of the Tatar national-cultural autonomy of St. Petersburg "Artists – poets" (2006). Solo exhibitions: 1984, 1987, 1989, 1993, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2008, 2009 in Astrakhan; 1994 in St. Petersburg.

Works are in the Astrakhan art gallery named after Space, private collections in Russia and abroad.

The first winner of the Governor's award for fine arts. B. M. Kustodiev (Astrakhan,2000)

Lit.: Taktashev. The exhibition of paintings of. Booklet. Astrakhan, 1998; Taktashev. Gossip. Painting in the environment of others. Exhibition. Booklet. Astrakhan,1999; Izmailov D. Shamil Taktashev. Creative artist//Idel. Astrakhan. 11.02.1999; Karaeva L. M. Astrakhan Union of artists for 70 years. Astrakhan, 2008.

G. F. Valeeva-Suleymanova, doctor of arts, art of the Tatar encyclopedia