Architect and sculptor Pavlovian Koltushi. Graduated from (1910), the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg. For the project of the building of the State Duma in St. Petersburg received the title of artist-architect.
In the 20-ies of the last century were interested in politics, was a member of the industrial party, for which he was arrested. At this time, and held a part-time acquaintance with Pavlov Bespalov. The authority of the academician I. P. Pavlov was so great that he was able to release Bespalov and to invite him to design a building for the Laboratory of experimental genetics of higher nervous activity. Bespalov settled in Koltushi and forever linked his life with them. In his projects, in addition to the Old laboratory was built cottages for the accommodation of the scientific staff; building for club, library, and cafeteria; Pavlovsky cottage and the House Director, and a vivarium. His plan was created an ornamental Park.
The talent of the sculptor Bespalov evident when creating the busts of famous scientists: I. M. Sechenov, Mendel, Descartes, Darwin, Pavlov and placing them in the Park. He also created the monument to the dog, installed on the territory of the IEM, the monument to I. P. Pavlov at the Volkov cemetery and the monument to E. A. Hanika. Bespalov was a talented artist. He has written oil a portrait of Pavlova, which up to the present time adorns the office of the Director of the Institute of physiology. I. P. Pavlov in St. Petersburg.
About two decades Bespalov headed the agriculture of the biological Station, and in the years of the great Patriotic war he was Deputy L. A. Orbeli Institute of evolutionary physiology and pathology of higher nervous activity them. I. P. Pavlov. Due to his worries and energy Institute and during the war was conducted, although not most, scientific work, and after the war it quickly regained its potential.