Petrovich Sulenev

Russia • 1928−2000

Thesis in the CVC - "TO revolt", the rating is good. The training took place at the sculpture faculty. Qualification of artist-sculptor.

(5.06.1928, der. Scenes Tatar ASSR – 21.11.2000, Chelyabinsk), member. CX USSR (1967). In 1931 the family moved to N. Tagil. Here S. was doing modeling in the Studio. In 1950 he graduated from the Urals. Uch-school of applied arts (N. Tagil). Was recommended for admission at the school. of arts. in-t im. I. E. Repin (Academy of arts), who graduated in 1956. Since that year and until the end of his life he worked and lived in Person. 1957 S. party., zones., resp. and the all-Union. exhibitions. In 1995-2000, he taught sculpture in Person. art school. Intensively worked in the plastic art of small forms. Proizv. this plan thematically diverse (“during the war”, 1979; “Warm night,” 1979; “Sailor of the revolutionary Baltic sea”, 1957; “construction Site CHTZ”, 1983; “Peter I – the founder of Russian fleet”, 1971, etc.). Constantly worked in the portrait genre (“the Shepherd”, 1967; “Tractor Zharikov”, 1967; “Portrait of son”, 1980; “Guitarist”, 1980; “railway pointer”, 1964, etc.). A significant contribution was made to the monument. the sculpture of the region. They created monuments to People. and cities [bust of Vladimir M. Bekhterev on the territory. hospital CHTPZ (see clinical hospital No. 9), 1977; pam. V. I. Lenin at the plant “Teplopribor”, 1960; reliefs-Tondo pioneer hero Pavlik Morozov and Leni Golikova on the Scarlet field, 1986; sculpture to the memorial to those who died during the great Patriotic war. Otech. the war the people of Chrysostom (created together. A. with B. by Maganoy), 1980; stele, dedicated. work. and martial achievements of the workers of Karabash, 1985; pam. writer Maxim Gorky at the Top. Ufaley, 1983; monument.-decorative composition done. by order of the farm Dubrovskiy, 1985]. The sculptor is stored in the collections of Saint Petersburg. Military.-Mor. Museum, Michurinskoye and People. the picture gallery are the property of the Ministry of culture of Russia. S. awarded the medal “Veteran of labour”.

(author: O. A. Kuzaev)

Lit.:Beschastnov I. loyalty to the Urals // CHR. 1978. June 20; Buy-in, L. P. the Artists of Chelyabinsk. H, 1979; Kudzaev O. A. Sculptural chronicle of the region / O. A. Kuzaev, A. S. Vaganov. H, 1989; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-1991: Right. / AVT.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. H, 1996; Kudzaev O. Tops sculptor Aleneva // HF. 1998. June 8.

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