Feliksovich Kovarsky

Russia • 1890−1948

Biografie und Informationen

(8.9.1890, the village Starosielce, near Bialystok,-22.9.1948, the village of Konstancin, near Warsaw), Polish painter. He studied at the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg (1910-18) D. N. Kardovsky. Professor Academy of fine arts in Krakow (1923-29) and the School of fine arts in Warsaw (1930). The author of monumental murals and easel compositions (portraits, landscapes, genre paintings). In the works of 20-30-ies, characterized by democracy and a stark epic of images, and restrained palette, expressive brushwork, reflected indirect protest against the bourgeois reality ("the Wanderers", 1930, national Museum, Warsaw). After the establishment in Poland of people's power expresses K. the humanistic and heroic revolutionary ideals in several machine cycles of the Ghetto (1946), "Man" (1947), "Soldiers of democracy" (1948) in the National Museum, Warsaw, and other meetings. His song "Proletariate" (1948, property of the PZPR) was one of the first works of socialist realism in Poland.

Lit.: Felician Kovarskii. Exhibition catalogue, [M, 1949]; Bogucki J., Kowarski, Warsz., 1956.