Valentinovich Livny

Russia • geboren in 1959

Biografie und Informationen

18.11.1959 G. was born in Grozny. Studied at Children's art school (1972 - 1978) Graduated from the Kuban state University, faculty of art and technical graphics (1979-1985) have Fursov A. I., prof. Ills G. V. Krasnodar. FPC all-Russia Academy of painting, sculpture and architecture (1996) and centre of the Russian graphic Chelyuskinskaya CX (2001.-2003). Moscow. Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 2000. member of international Association of fine arts - IAPA UNESCO.

Graphic artist, muralist, and teacher. Member of district, regional, regional, regional, Republican and all-Russian exhibitions.

  • Schule
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