Borisovich Speransky

Russia • 1914−1983

Training in WAH was held at the faculty of architecture.

ar. architect Of the USSR (1971), academician of the Academy of arts of the USSR (1979). Member of the CPSU since 1957. He graduated from the Repin Institute of arts in (1941), a disciple of N. Trotsky and I. Fomin, in 1947 and taught there. From 1964 chief architect of Leningrad. scientific and project Institute of residential and public buildings. Author of projects (with co-authors) of Leningrad. telecentre (1962), the complex of buildings of customs for the owls.-the Finnish border (1967), the hotel "Leningrad" (1970) and "Pulkovo" (1980), the architectural part of the monument to the defenders of Leningrad (with V. A. Kamensky, 1975) and other buildings. The Winner Of The Len. Ave. (1978).

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