The scent of lilacs

Katerina Nikolaevna Sorokina • Grafik, 2023, 30×21 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
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Kunstgattung: Grafik
Motiv und Objekte: Stillleben
Kunststil: Realismus
Technik: Aquarell
Materialien: Papier
Erstellungsdatum: 2023
Größe: 30×21 cm
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Beschreibung des Kunstwerks «The scent of lilacs»

The work "Scent of Lilacs" is made from nature. Fresh and fragrant bouquet was painted in the technique of watercolor in the raw. As a basis is used tinted coarse-grained cotton paper firm Palazzo, density 300g. It is painted with professional St. Petersburg paints. Decorated in passport and baguette.
