
Italia • 1430−XVI century

Biography and information

About life Crivelli known a little. Probably he was born in Venice. The earliest surviving works Crivelli - polyptych made it to the Church of San Silvestro in the town of Mass Fermanagh in the province of Macerata (completed in 1468). In 1490 the Prince of Chapui Ferdinand granted him a title of nobility, probably not for artistic achievement, and for his political beliefs. At that time Crivelli lived in Ascoli Picanol works of the master characteristic ornamentality, attention to detail, accuracy and stiffness in his treatment of forms and expressive, close in spirit to the late Gothic.

Name Carlo was Crivelli (son by an unknown artist Jacopo) was first mentioned in 1457 in the circumstances of his conviction in Venice for adultery. There is no data on education Carlo, but judging by his first subscription ("virgin"), then traced the similarity for decoration and ingenuity with a passionate Padua painting mid XV century, which still felt the predominance of Squarcione, but was out propensity to innovations Renaissance. The Renaissance was delivered by the Tuscans (Lippi and Donatello) in Veneto, anticipating the emergence of Mantegna.


Was Crivelli, some time later, in 1465 becomes a citizen of Zara, and in 1468 returns in the Marche region, in which the artist creates a polyptych for C. San Silvestro in Mass-Fermanagh, despite working in different cities he prefers to stay in this area and to meet their death.

Carlo has Crivelli was culturally isolated despite the small features of the Ferrara school and the echoes of the Flemish influences that were transferred to the court d'este by Rogier van der Weyden. This has affected the deepening of the master in the development of Padua lessons, combining character of the late Gothic and innovation Renaissance. In Marche talented he Kriveli takes countless of poliptiha, most of which are currently in various museums or steel reconstructions in the works of the modern researchers.


Gothic structure of the songs is a constant use of the Golden background, who brings an archaic view combined with innovative sense of form, is made in the spirit of aesthetics.


In the plastic interpretation relief figures evident revival, this is especially noticeable in their arrangement in space, they seem to be looking for new prospects. A vivid example be the scene "Passions". Creativity Carlo is not tied to dates, known Dating (1470 year) only works Madonna from Macerata.


Explicit artistic maturity was Kriveli permeated the mighty three-tiered altar of the Cathedral in Ascoli (1473 year). Artistic masterpiece woven from subtle plastic modulation, compositional rhythm, meticulous presentation of stories and fantasy together with lush elegance of garments and light movements of the hands. Not less important work, Carlo was Kriveli is "Triptych" from C. Santa Lucia in the Montefiore Dell Azo (unknown part of polyptych).


Data majestic works evince original limit expressive abilities of the wizard, behind which lurks a stylistic departure for a more pretentious and decorative painting. For example, the Madonna with a candle", "Saints"Final creation was Kriveli becomes the Crowning of Mary with the image of "the Pieta" in the lunette. It overloaded composition. Flaming expressionism, which was typical for the previous works on the topic "the Pieta" are replaced by sentimental tone full of bliss, and also appearance of taking possession by its veracity of fragments of "still life". The second half of creativity Carlo also been noted such as: two altars of the NAC. Gal. in London, St. Jacob, the keys of the Apostle Peter, the famous "Annunciation", triptych Madonna, Ecstasy blessed Gabriel Ferretti, the Altar of Odoni.


Vittore Crivelli (approximately 1440 Venice - 1501 Farm) repeating the choice brother, Carlo was Crivelli, in 1465 he moved to Zero, and after in the Marche region in which it expands broad activity at times and cooperating with yourself brother.