The dance of Baikal waves

Alexei yurievich saralidze • Zeitgenössische Kunst, 6×7.5 cm
Über das Kunstwerk
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Kunstgattung: Zeitgenössische Kunst
Größe: 6×7.5 cm
Region: Irkutsk

Beschreibung des Kunstwerks «The dance of Baikal waves»

At sunset, the waves dance
In the emerald abyss of the sea.
They are driven by the free wind,
It's like he's completely alive.

There's so much mighty power in the surges
The color blue is changing,
It was like the waves were talking,
They're whipping around frantically at odds.

They'll waltz around in a whirlwind,
They're chasing the unbridled step.
Upward strives such a mass,
Like a sketchy rap dance.

Night pinned the moon in her braids.
There's a lot of mystery in the starry sky.
A dark cloak is thrown over him,
On a big, fancy screen.

And by morning it will be quiet. The sea
Calmed by the magic of sleep.
A wonderful new day is coming,
Beauty will come alive with beauty.