stanislavovich fokin

Russia • Moscow • geboren in 1966 • künstler, Sammler, Kunsthändler, Kunstfreund

Biografie und Informationen

ANNOTATION #1: I have been drawing since childhood. All works have been given as gifts.
About the audio/electronic book released by LitresSamizdat Publishing, titled "I have erected a monument to myself." In paper, for 771 pages one would have to pay 1,530 roubles
TEN PICTURES about the life of the mentally ill. The author has changed many professions in his life. He started painting at an early age. He continued as an actor in high school. He also practiced yoga in school. As a young man, he was interested in psychology and hypnosis. At one time worked in a psychiatric hospital as a psychologist and then as a psychotherapist. His observations of the mentally ill, the results of communication with them, caused the author's desire to write about what he saw, heard and understood. The author considers Maxim Gorky as his teacher in the field of dramaturgy, and his masterpiece - the play "At the Bottom". One hundred and twenty-two years ago, this play was banned for staging in imperial theaters. There was only one brave one - the Moscow Art Theater, on the stage of which the premiere of "At the Bottom" took place on December 18, 1902. The author, since 2019, writes plays about the life of the mentally ill and sends them to Russian dramatic theaters. And so far not a single brave one of the 377 drama theaters has been found. The author writes not only dramas, but also satire, parody and comedy. But even his dramas have elements of comedy. If you are reading these lines, it means that you want to know about the life of the mentally ill.