Alekseevich Dobrov

Russia • 1877−1958

Biografie und Informationen

Studied 1897-1900 at the physics and mathematics faculty of Moscow University, 1900-1901 in the Studio of K. F. Yuon, 1901-1906 in Musisi A. E. Arkhipov, A. Stepanov, received in 1904 for drawing small and in 1906 for study of a large silver coin. 1906-1909 travels through Europe, 1908-1909 engaged in etching in E. S. Kruglikova in Paris. In 1909 received the title of class artist. Lived in St. Petersburg, Moscow.* Taught: 1904-1906 1914-1918 and in the public schools, Petersburg, Moscow, 1916-1917 in the Studio of K. F. Yuon, 1935-1958 IP. Participant of exhibitions from 1907: including MTX, "Fire-color" (member in 1920), "independent Partnership", "Moscow salon", "Association graphs"; foreign: 1924 – Venice, 1930, 1934, 1938 - London, 1934 – Athens, 1936 – Copenhagen, 1936 and 1938 – Oslo, 1940 – new York, 1955 – Damascus; personal: 1927 – Perm, 1938 and 1964 – Kaluga, 1940 and 1957 – Irkutsk, 1944 and 1963 – Moscow. Professor since 1940.