Iosifovich Adigezalov

Russia • geboren in 1947

Biografie und Informationen

He graduated from the Moscow Theatrical art College in 1968 After graduation he worked in the workshops of the Bolshoi theater and the theater "Contemporary" artist. In 1979. was accepted as a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Participant of Moscow, zonal and group exhibitions. Work with the exhibitions she shopped at Mosh, unions of artists of the USSR and RSFSR and private collectors. Works in the genre of easel painting.


1972 – 9-th youth exhibition of Moscow ( further on until 1982, he participated in many exhibitions of young artists of Moscow )

1976 – the 3rd Republican exhibition "Youth of Russia"

1976,1978 and 1979 – exhibition "Young artists of Moscow"

1977и 1978 – exhibition "Moscow artists to travel around the country"

1979 – group exhibition of Moscow and the Vologda artists in Vologda

from 1985 to 1991 – exhibition "Earth and people", "Russian North", two Zonal exhibition of Moscow Union of artists (MOSH)

1986 – group exhibition of 5 artists from Moscow

2001 – exhibition of Russian artists in the Arena

2002 – exhibition "World of painting" in the Central house of artists ( CHA )

from 1980 to present – continued participation in the spring and autumn exhibitions of Moscow Union of artists

Paintings and graphic works are in private collections in Germany, Spain, USA and Russia.

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