Filippovich Alberti

Russia • 1913−1994

Born November 25, 1913 in Astrakhan.

1931 – graduated from the Astrakhan art school, pupil of Peter Vlasov

1935-36 – the painting Department of Repin Institute of arts in Leningrad

Participant of exhibitions since 1938

Member of the Leningrad Union of artists since 1956.

He painted portraits, still lifes, landscapes, genre scenes

Paintings by Piotr Alberti are in museums and private collections in Russia, UK, France, USA and other countries

Bibliography: Unknown socialist realism. The Leningrad school. St. Petersburg, NP-Print. 2007

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

B. in 1913 in Astrakhan in the family servant.

1927-1932 – Astrakhan art school under Professor Pavel Alekseevich Vlasov

1932-36 – technical school at the Academy of arts in Leningrad

1936-41 – the Institute named after I. E. Repin at the painting class of Professor Alexander Dmitrievich Zaytsev

1941-45gg – Leningrad front, a volunteer, wounded twice, has fighting awards and nardy

1945 – works in the Art Fund

From 1951 – participant of exhibitions

С1957 – member of the artists Union, participant of the annual exhibitions of Leningrad artists

1982-92 - trade exhibitions in France, USA, England, Japan, Israel, Norway, Sweden, and Germany.

1994 - died in St. Petersburg

The option of the artist's widow)

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