Erofeevna Balanova

Russia • geboren in 1915

Painter. Born on 8 Dec 1915 in Taganrog the Rostov region. He studied at the Rostov art school (1937-1941), A. M. Chernykh, S. I. Gulmira, the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin (1950-1956) from B. V. Johanson, L. V. Khudyakov, A. D. Zaitsev .

He taught at the Rostov art College named. M. B. Grekov(1946-1971). A member of the artists Union of the RSFSR in 1948. Participant of exhibitions from 1946: zonal, Republican, all-Union , foreign. He was a member of the Board of the Rostov branch of the CX for work with young people. The delegate II, III,IV congresses of artists ' Union of Russia and of the V Congress of the USSR Union.

Awarded the order "badge of honor", two medals of the USSR, diplomas of the Ministry of culture of the RSFSR and the USSR, the regional awards for creative achievements.

The author of important thematic songs dedicated to the milestone events in the history of the country. The artist is interested in the fate of people who shared with their country of trials that fell to their lot.

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