Alexey Alexandrovich

Russia • geboren in 1903

Biografie und Informationen

Was born on 28 March (10 April) 1903 in Palekh. Hereditary painter, son of A. I. Blokhin. Member of the Union of artists of Russian Federation since 1953. In the years 1911-1915 he studied at the educational workshops of the Committee of guardianship of Russian iconography. The Teacher With I. M. Bakanov. In 1915-1917 he studied in the Studio of A. P. Bolshakov in Moscow. Since 1921 fasting lived in Moscow. Died in 1969, buried in Moscow.

Worked monumental and theatrical-decorative painting. Themes of works: literature, history, portraits, motives golikovsky hunting and triples. Participated in exhibitions since 1933. A. A. Blokhin are stored in museums: Umgeni, OC Kaluga, Nizhny Tagil Museum of fine arts, OC Irkutsk, Irkutsk, OKM, Russian Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12", the DEM.

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