Vasilyevich Matyushin

Russia • 1861−1934

In the life and work of the composer, painter, teacher and thinker M. V. Matyushin music and painting constantly coexisted, interacted, mutually enriching each other, and spawned a kind of color-music theory.

He studied at the Moscow Conservatory in 1876-81., and from 1881 to 1913 was the "first violin" of the Imperial orchestra in St. Petersburg. In those same years (1894-98) he studied at the Drawing school of the OPH, in 1903-05 he was in the Studio of the painter J. F. Tsionglinskogo and in 1906-08 he was in the private Studio of E. N. Zvantseva arts.

In the Studio Tsionglinskogo he met E. G. Guro, his future wife, a mate, too versatile gifted man. Together they founded the publishing house "Crane", which released up to 1917 twenty books. After becoming friends with poets and artists-the futurists, D. D. and V. D. Burlyuks, V. Kamensky, V. Khlebnikov, Matyushin simultaneously communicates with the writers of the older generation - V. I. Ivanov, A. M. Remizov, F. Sologub.

On the initiative of M. Matiushin and Guro in November 1909 created the St. Petersburg society of artists "Union of youth" (1910-14). The six exhibitions of the society were presented, essentially, all the diversity of trends in contemporary avant-garde. They themselves in the artistic life of that time was a pole, intuitive, organic, synthetic, in contrast to the constructive pole, mechanical, analytical Moscow avant-garde.

In 1911 Matyushin read books mathematics-the Theosophist P. D. Ouspensky, convey a holistic method of perception and cognition, the Universe, man. It has made a revolution in its creative minds, all created by Matutinum subsequently reflects and develops the ideas contained in the writings of Ouspensky. "The youth Union" together with a poetic Association "Gilea", which included Vladimir Khlebnikov, A. Kruchenykh, and B. K. Livshits, declared the establishment of the new futurist theater "Budetlyanin" and in December 1913 presented a twisted Opera "Victory over the sun", music composed by Mikhail Matiushin, and Malevich fulfilled and twisted.

From 1914 Matyushin acted as writer, art critic and publicist. He published the book A. and J. Gleize, Matsanga "On cubism" which has caused a great resonance. "The First Russian magazine Russian futurists" published an article "Futurism in St. Petersburg." Created the musical composition "don Quixote", "Autumn dream".

In 1916, wrote a number of "meditation" landscapes, which was the topic of the meeting of heaven and earth: the sky falling to the earth, and the earth is ascending into the sky. Matyushin-the researcher entered the history of Russian art as the Creator of the original theory of "extended looking", which is based on the study of space and the principles of interaction of color and the environment color and shape, color and sound, form and time. Different aspects of these issues reflected in articles, reports, lectures Matyushin 1920s: "the Experience of the artist new measures" (1912-26), "Science in art" (1926), "Experience a new sense of space" (1928), "What is organic culture in the art" (1927-28).

Intense research activity Matyushina in the 1920s is inextricably linked to pedagogical practice, first in the Studio of spatial realism at the Petrograd GShM, then in the Department of organic culture in Ginhuke. Among his students - N. Greenberg, M. E. Magarill, E. chmielewska, O. Vaulina, V. I. Kurds, and others, They formed the core of the "school" Matyushina. With them Matyushin, constantly experimenting, sought to create a new way of life on the picture plane accustoming the eye to perceive each visual detail as part of a larger whole, look "with my hands to cover, as if looking through the eyes of a subject".

Creativity, by definition, Matyushina, there is nothing like a "concentration of intellectual and physical abilities in a single effort of will and impetus that generates the greatest value of all that being able to produce". This understanding of the creative process Matyushin failed to study the laws of human physiology. Experiences and observations of his "school" was conducted in the area of cooperation "touch, hearing, sight and mind."

The second component of the theory of "extended looking" was the doctrine of the three interacting colors, creating a feeling of harmony in the perception of the person. We are talking about the fact that each primary color in a neutral space around recreates in our perception of a second color contrasting to the main, and together they create a third, optional.

In 1926 Matyushin attempted to create a "Primer color" - benefits at a harmonic combination of colors, which is based on the doctrine of the three colors. In 1923, the school Matyushina presented their work at the "Exhibition of Petrograd artists of all directions" under the motto "Zorved" (vision and daylight). In 1930 in Leningrad, was another exhibition of works by Matyushin and his "school". These exhibitions have demonstrated outstanding achievements, allowing to develop in people a more subtle and holistic vision of the world.

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