Ivanovich Grandi

Russia • 1890−1970

(or date D. R. - 1890-01-30)

Painter, painter of monumental and decorative art. Landscape painter, author of genre paintings and still lifes. Born in the city of Lgov Kursk province. Studied at Drawing school of OPKh in St. Petersburg..To.Roerich, A. A. Rylov, N. With.Samokish. Participant of exhibitions since 1915. Created plans for scenic dioramas in the State Historical Museum, the Museum of history of Moscow, participated in the restoration of the panorama "defense of Sevastopol", "Borodino battle". Works are kept in the State Historical Museum, the Museum of history of Moscow Museum-panorama "Borodino battle" and other museums.

It turned out that he officially signed Gadecki Grande. The second name in Lgov already knew. Before the revolution there were a few families and even had a mayor. Vasily Ivanovich was born on 30 Jan 1890 in Lgov. According to him, doodling long as he can remember, from the age of 4-5. About his parents little is known, but the artist told me that he earned money for his art education as a mechanic at the plant. Typing 300 rubles, he went in 1905 in St. Petersburg, where he was immediately accepted into the St. Petersburg school of arts...

In 1922 he becomes a lifelong Muscovite. Draws posters, and executes orders. Special popularity to become illustrations to the works of N. Gogol, Pushkin. Becoming more and more popular of his landscapes. The artist becomes the participant of many exhibitions of the capital. Enjoys decorative painting. At this time, they created paintings "Fortress of the sea", "Autumn", a series of "Old Russian architecture", "Holiday in the village street" laced with optimism, sincere fun, love for life.

There are requests from museums. He writes large canvases: "the Peasant uprising in 1839" for the State history, "battle of the Nikitsky gate" for the Museum of History of Moscow. After the war his work "letter from the front", "wounded", "Front road" also takes place in museums. A group of leading battle painters of the Grande attract upgrading "the Borodino panorama".

But the greatest fame he gets as one of the main artists who performed the restoration of the panorama of academician Roubaud "the Heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1853-56 years"...

Grundy was already known for his works on military medical topics, he was entrusted with, among other writing were absent in the previous panorama episodes – "the Surgeon Ni. I. Pirogov at the dressing area," "the First nurse sailor's daughter Dasha".

Finished panorama, Grundy already independently started writing additions - diorama "Underground-mine warfare in Sevastopol"....

(From the article M. Laotica "Artist Grande")

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