Mikhailovich Kolchanov

Russia • 1925−2008

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Honored artist of the RSFSR.

Born on October 6, 1925 in the village of Long Shabalinsky district, Kirov region. Father - A. Kolchanov, Mikhail Mitrofanovich (1887 g. rozhd.). Mother Kolchanova Olga Mitrofanovna (1888 g. rozhd.). Spouse Kolchanova Tamara Andreevna (1926 g. born.). Daughter: Kolchanova Olga Arkadievna (born 1953), Raisa Kolchanova A. (1958 g. rozhd.).

In January 1942 Arkady quivers was drafted into the army. From 9 August to 3 September 1945 participated in the war with Japan as the commander of anti-aircraft guns 1590 th army anti-aircraft artillery regiment 25th army. Fought in Manchuria and Northern Korea, in the division under the command of major-General Peter Mamayev. Was wounded in the knee and 18 September to 8 November 1945 was treated in hospital. For participation in hostilities was awarded the order of the Patriotic war II degree, the medal "For victory over Japan", medal of Zhukov, the medal of the DPRK "For the liberation of Korea", and many others.

Immediately after the war served in the protection of Japanese prisoners of war camp in Korea, and then for 3 years in the town of Qing-Nampo on the shore of the Yellow sea. Was discharged in March 1950. Five years worked as a teacher at Novotroitsk high school. In 1955 he entered the Moscow polygraphic Institute. Concurrently worked as an artist in publishing the Kirov, the Kirov artistic production workshops, taught.

Huge love for the land of Vyatka, Russia, knowledge of national life, was the reason for the creation of a number of interesting graphic series on the linoleum, at the end of the tree: "the Land of Vyatka", "Cherepovets", "Urzhumskaya series", "Sloboda Dymkovo", "Forever in memory", "Usinsk series", "Northern flood". Expressive series "In Mongolia". The artist is the author of more than 200 drawings, watercolors, gouache and tempera, many of which formed the basis of engravings.

He illustrated the works of classics of Russian-Soviet literature, Sergei Yesenin (47 woodcuts, 1977), Alexander Twardowski ("Vasily Terkin", 53 prints, 1980), Alexander Blok (Poems, 21 woodcut, 1986), Vladimir Soloukhin (30 woodcuts, 1989), "Book of remembrance" (17 vols., 1994), "the encyclopedia of Vyatka land" (10 vols., 1994-1999), several books of the Volga-Vyatka book publishers, including "Son bow", album of engravings on wood "kirovskie place in Urzhum", the album of linocuts. Two books awarded with diplomas of all-Russian contest art of the book.

Being a founder of creative woodcut in the Kirov region, it promotes the history and culture of the Vyatka region and the Republic, the Dymkovo handicraft.

Personal exhibitions of the artist were held in 14 cities. He is a permanent participant of creative groups of artists at the Cherepovets metallurgical plant and the group "Komi Republic - the land of my Northern". Participated in 4 international symposia of artists: in Mongolia, Hungary, GDR, Czechoslovakia. Was a participant of many regional, zonal, Republican, all-Union, international and foreign exhibitions. His works repeatedly mentioned in the country, as well as diplomas of the international jury. In 1977 was awarded a Diploma at the International biennial of woodcut in Banska Bystrica (Czechoslovakia). Engravings of the artist are in many museums around the country, as well as in museums in Hungary, Slovakia, and Germany.

In 1964 he was constantly elected to the Board of Kirov branch of Union of artists of the RSFSR, was Chairman of the Board of Kirov branch of Union of artists of the RSFSR 1964-1966; 1976-1978; 1983-1985.

Over the years, with the participation of A. M. Kolchanova built House Dymkovo toys about two dozen lofts for artists.

At the 3rd all-Union Congress of the artists Union of the USSR, in 1968 he was elected member of the Board, and at the 5th Congress, in 1973 - member of the audit Committee.

M. A. Kolchanov - people's artist of the RSFSR (1984), corresponding member of the Academy of art (1991). His work is the subject of numerous publications in regional and Central periodicals.

A favorite activity of A. M. Kolchanova - creativity. It has always attracted the sky, space, planets. Perhaps that is why he is interested in issues related to the origin of life. He enjoys the works of V. I. Vernadsky, his doctrine of the noosphere. Likes TV shows with the participation of S. P. Kapitza, with interest watching programs about space, science, technology.

From music prefers the works of composers of XX century, especially G. Sviridov ("Blizzard"), folk music. The admirer of Chaliapin.

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