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Kunstgattung: Malerei
Das Kunstwerk befindet sich in den ausgewählten Sammlungen: 2 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
Portrait of Christoph von Gluck at the spinet
Portrait of Christoph von Gluck at the spinet
Sculptor Gabriel Allegrain
Sculptor Gabriel Allegrain
Portrait of Louis XVI, king of France
Portrait of Louis XVI, king of France
Lady with a book
Lady with a book
Madame Lenoir, mother of Alexander Lenoir, the founder of the Museum of French monuments
Madame Lenoir, mother of Alexander Lenoir, the founder of the Museum of French monuments
55×65 cm
Madame Lenoir, mother of Alexander Lenoir, founder of the Museum of French monuments.
Madame Lenoir, mother of Alexander Lenoir, founder of the Museum of French monuments.
The sculptor Christophe Gabriel Allegrain
The sculptor Christophe Gabriel Allegrain
The lady with the dog
The lady with the dog