Afanasyevna Rakhleeva

Russia • geboren in 1945

Biografie und Informationen

Is a member of the Academy of Spirituality of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), the winner of the award of Komsomol of Yakutia. She was born 28 Dec 1945 in the Third Bakanauska the nasleg Tattinsky ulus. In 1968 he graduated from the Yakut art College in 1974 – graphic faculty of the Moscow state art Institute named after VI Surikov (workshop E. A. Kibrik).

Maria afanasevna Rakhleeva, schedule, honored artist of the Sakha (Yakutia) (2000), member of the Academy of spirituality of the Sakha (Yakutia) (1996), member of the Union of artists of Russia (1975) was born 28 Dec 1945 in III-m Bakanauska the nasleg Tattinsky ulus in the village of Cross Halji. In 1968 he graduated from the Yakut art College in 1974 - graphic faculty of the Moscow State art Institute. V. I. Surikov (workshop of Professor E. Kibrik) Series of lithographs "Native land", performed as a thesis, became for her a place in great art, successfully exhibited in many major exhibitions of the country. From the lyrical and romantic images of early works the artist goes to a deeper reflection about the connection times, the relationship between man and nature. In her chart, the most emotional role of color: except the color lithograph is drawn to pastels, tempera and watercolor, and also paints in oils.

In 1976 he became a laureate of the Diploma of II degree at the all-Union exhibition "Youth of country". In 1978 he was a member of the creative youth section of the Central Committee of the Komsomol; a series of lithographs, "Summer", "Tompo", "Childhood" became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol prize of Yakutia. Then came the Council of creative youth the Komsomol Central Committee. In 1989 awarded the Diploma of the USSR Academy of arts for a series of graphic "My Yakutia" and "Pereslavl". Participated in major art exhibitions in the country and abroad. Works of M. A. Rakhleeva exhibited in Prague, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, France and other countries.

In 1974-1978 he worked as a teacher in the Yakut art College. She was married to the famous Moscow graphic artist V. N. Petrov moved to Moscow and became a member of the Moscow Branch of Union of artists. In 1989 the family moved to Krasnoyarsk V. N. Petrov became the leader of the newly-opened in Krasnoyarsk, Russia creative workshops of the Academy of fine arts Department Urals, Siberia and the Far East, then was elected rector of the Krasnoyarsk state art Institute. In 1990-1994 Rakhleeva M. A. - associate Professor of the Institute. On the initiative of V. N. Petrova in Yakutsk was opened the Branch of Krasnoyarsk art Institute, later incorporated into the structure of the Arctic state Institute of culture and art.

M. A. Rakhleeva since 1994 - associate Professor and head. the Department of graphics, faculty of fine arts Agikii.

(author: Z. I. Ivanova-Unarova, PhD)

Major works: lithograph: "self-Portrait" (1973); a series of lithographs: "Native land" (1974), "the Motives of the North" (1975), "Summer" (1976); autolithographies: "Childhood," "the Swing" (1976), "Land of the Amga" (1979); colored lithograph: "At home country", "country Morning" (1980); a series of color lithographs: "Tompo" (1977), "On native soil" (1979), "Land and people" (1981), "Summer bouquet (Vera)", "the free state", "a Conversation about the old days" (1989), "Rural still life", "Gray Presli" (1994), "Hope our snow flowers", "Grandma's baskets", "Father's house" (2002); tempera, series: "Generous summer" (1982), "the Evenki of the river Choco" (1985), "Kruschinski spaces" (1986), "Pereslavl", "Summer 1987", "Autumn motives" (1987), "the Voice of a far Tuymaada" (1989); the series of drawings: "the Yaroslavl summer" (1984), "Krasnoyarsk winter", "Grey winter" (1990); Painting: "still life", "Morning", "Sun", "the Sound of music" (2002).


Maria Rakhleeva. The peace movement, motionless flight : booklet CA. / AVT.-comp. G. Neustroeva. - Yakutsk, 1996.

Maria Rakhleeva : [interview / casette A. Shaposhnikov] // Dalbar khotun. - 1996. - No. 1. - S. 14-16.

Maria Rakhleeva дьыл5атын caractere : [Russian Art. souun, celiane M. Rajeevan Kutta caesarii / casette A. Nikiforova] // Sakha sire. – 1998. From Yin 9 K.

With love to mom // prostration]. and edited by A. G. Pavlov. – Yakutsk, 2002. – S. 204-211.

About granting of honorable title "Honored artist of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" Rahleenos M. A. : the decree of the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of 20 Oct. 2000 No. 1217 // Yakutia. – 2000. – 24 Oct.; Sakha sire. – 2000. – Althingi 24

Ivanova-Unarova, Z. a love Story // Yakutia. – 1998. – 21 APR.

Neustroev, G. Maria Rakhleeva // national art Museum of Sakha (Yakutia) = Sakha Respublikata, Nacionalni Hudozhestvenny Museum = The National arts museum of the Sakha Repablik (Uakutia) / translated into Yakut. yaz. A. Shaposhnikova, TRANS. on eng. yaz. S. Markov. - Yakutsk, 2001. – S. 160-163 ; 350-351.

Nikolaev, I. Graphics of love // Arguments and facts to the North. – 1998. – No. 11. – S. 8.

Rakhleeva Maria afanasevna // Yakut Pets Imperial-the Russian Academy of arts, XX century / comp. I. A. Potapov, G. G. Neustroeva. - Yakutsk, 2000. - S. 44-45.

Sivtseva, M. E. Artist Rakhleeva baystate // Sakha sire. – 1996. – Olonho 7 K.

Potapov, I. A. Maria Rakhleeva // Potapov, I. A. Artists of Yakutia : a member of. Union art. USSR / A. I. Potapov, I. Z. Ivanov. – Yakutsk, 1984. – Pp. 93-94, 140. – Bibliogr.: 5 the name.

M. A. Rakhleeva : (50 years of birthday) // Yakutia-1995 calendar AU. and memory. date. – Yakutsk, 1994. – PP. 57-58. – Bibliogr.: 11 the name.

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