Thesis in the CVC - "the arrival of the 25 tournament in the village", the evaluation - excellent. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of the artist painting.
Born in Simbirsk province in the village of gorenki in 1919.In 1937 1938. he studied at the Rostov-on-don art school. M. B. Grekova.In 1939-1947 - was in the ranks of the Soviet army. During the great Patriotic war, he graduated from flight school, was a naval pilot instructor until 1947.
In 1947 1948гг. - Rostov art College, from which he graduated as an external student.In 1948. entered the Institute. I. E. Repin, who graduated with honors in 1954. at the workshop, M. I. Avilov and Y. M. Neprintsev. With 1955. he started teaching at the Institute. I. E. Repin.
Since 1980. People's artist of the RSFSR. One of his major paintings: "the Father and mother. 1918". 1977. (GOS. Russian Museum).
Among the highlights are: "peace On earth", 1960, "Father's house".1964, "Winners". 1970, "portrait of the artist V. F. Tokarev". 1970, "portrait of the artist Yu. M. Neprintsev".1972, "A. S. Pushkin. "My sorrow is bright...".1975, "Michelangelo". 1982, "father's Portrait".1973, "Morning".1973 etc.
Porträt einer Weberin Valentina GolubevaAlexander Dmitrievich Romanichev zur Sammlung