Pavlovna Levina-Rosengolts

Russia • 1898−1975

1898, Vitebsk - 1975, Moscow . Took lessons of drawing and sculpture by S. D. Erzya ( Nefedov) (1917-18) in Moscow, was doing modeling in the Studio of A. S. Golubkina. He studied at the higher art school (1921-25 ) by R. Falk. Lived in Moscow since 1917. Worked as an artist for painting fabrics on Dorogomilovskaya factory ( 1932-34), when Marconigrams (1934-37). Participated in the design works for the Soviet pavilion of the International exhibition in Paris (1938). Arrested in 1949, in exile in the Krasnoyarsk region, Karaganda since 1949 to 1956. Since 1950-ies, the artist creates large graphic cycles, which generalizes the tragic experience of his life. On conflicts of the era, the people's miseries, their own sufferings, she speaks the language of high art. Solo exhibitions of her work held since 1977. Works are in the Tretyakov gallery and Pushkin Museum. A. S. Pushkin, Moscow; state Russian Museum, St. Petersburg; other museums and private collections.

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