Leonidovich Muravyov

Russia • 1861−1933

Biografie und Informationen

She studied with M. K. Klodt and Yu Yu Clover. He was a member of the St. Petersburg society of artists and the society of Russian watercolors. Actively exhibited at academic exhibitions, his works were published in many pre-revolutionary periodicals. Personal exhibition took place in 1893 From 1922 he worked in the Drama theatre. Works of V. L. Muraveva are kept in many regional museums and in private collections in Russia and abroad.

Painter and graphic artist, belonged to a little in Russian painting to representatives of aristocracy, professionally engaged in the art. Grandson of count Muraviev, who had suppressed the Polish rebellion. Since 1881, V. L. Muravyov was volnoprihodyaschim student of the S.-Peterburgskoi Imperial of Academy of fine arts and later repeatedly exhibited at academic exhibitions of my landscape work performed in the spirit of academic salon painting of the time and depicting mainly the nature of Central Russia. Winter landscapes often Muraviev was enlivened by staffage in the form of animals or hunting scenes. One of the few artists who managed to poetize the hunting scenes. Developed a painter spectacular manner received the approval of the audience. His works were eagerly bought, and were often the decoration of the living room. After the October revolution of Ants working in the same technology and uses the same stories. The works of V. L. Muravyov stored in the art collections of Irkutsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Kozmodemyansk, Syktyvkar, and other Museum and private collections.

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