Voldemarovich Ioganson

Russia • 1890−1929

(Lett. Kārlis Johansons)

In 1914 was among the founders of the Association of young Latvian avant-garde artists "Green flower" (Lett. Zaļā pukë). During the revolutionary years was in Moscow (perhaps the detachment of Latvian Riflemen), he studied in art Studio at the Latvian National Commissariat under the direction of his friend on the "Green flower" by Alexander Drevin.

Later Johansson was among the Russian constructivists, since the Society of young artists (IBMOHU). The second exhibition of the Society in 1921 .. put "samoopredelenie design", which, according to the artist Vyacheslav koleichuk, completely reconstructed this exhibition in the Tretyakov gallery on the two surviving photographs, anticipated the idea of tensegrity in development since the 1950s, Kenneth Snelson and R. Buckminster fuller [1].

In 1923-1926. Johansson worked as a production Manager at the factory "Red Bank", being thus, according to the American researcher Maria Gough, the only constructivist who were able to implement constructivist utopia of removing the contradictions between art and industry.

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