Nikolaevich Kudryashov

Russia • 1909−1991

Biografie und Informationen

Was born in Moscow. Studied in VKhUTEMAS (1926--28) in the Studio R. Falk.

The participant of the great Patriotic war.

Participated in the creation of Russia's first native newspaper font Excelsior (with M. by Shelkunova, 1936). Since 1938 he worked in the laboratory of the font NII Agiza together with other artists on the creation of new Ordinary headset (1938--41). Since 1946 in the Department of new fonts of the scientific research Institute of polygraphic mechanical engineering created drawings of fonts for use in books, Newspapers, magazines, dictionaries and encyclopedias. Designed and drew a total of more than 200 different fonts.

Within the headset Kudryashovskaya encyclopedic Kudryashov has developed several thousand characters in 5 styles, including the Russian, Roman,, Greek alphabets, Fraktur, calligraphic, phonetic, musical, mathematical, astronomical, etc. markings. Use this font for the 3rd edition of the Great Soviet encyclopedia, led to the decrease of 20% and savings of 4 million RUB Headset Kudryashovskaya dictionary was used for the publication of dictionaries in 124 languages of the world.

All fonts Kudryashov developed jointly with Z. A. Maslennikova.

First prize in the contest of composing fonts of COMECON countries dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Gutenberg's death (Dresden, 1971) for a font project KML.

Author of several articles and theoretical works.

He died in Moscow.