Kirillovich Lashin

Russia • geboren in 1840

Biografie und Informationen

He graduated from the Moscow Stroganov school of technical drawing with the diploma of Kazan.-draftsman (1858-1864). An auditor student of the Academy of Arts in 1864; pupil in 1866 he Received medals: 1866 - 2 silver; in 1868, 1 and 2 silver; in 1870 - a certificate, 1 silver medals, to obtain the title of class artist of 3 degrees. (Kondakov)

The artistic specialization painter was a consistent genre painter. His painting "the Choir of parochial school" (1864), "Naughty boys", "rural practise in the school", "Prank rural painter" (1868), "Your court (From folk life)" (1870), "the Game of recruits", "Budding artist", "At the Inn" (1872) brought a A. K. Lasino some fame. His name was mentioned by the master of Russian critics V. V. Stasov among the "talented young man, paintings which are almost always small, but significant: they are wonderful in the freshness of feelings, healthiness look and, in most cases, subtle humor of the scenes and of individuals."

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