Nikolaevich Lyakhov

Russia • geboren in 1925

Biografie und Informationen

Will N. Lyakhov was born July 17, 1925 in the city of Ussuriysk Primorsky Krai. His father, a career soldier, was chief of the frontier, and change is the inescapable destiny of an officer (note in parentheses that the word is in the 20s of the last century was associated with the hated white guards in the Soviet use of speech was not accepted, replaced by impersonal "chain of command"). The family moved frequently, had to change schools and friends.

After graduation, the poles entered Moscow higher technical school named after N. Uh.Bauman. Moscow, merry student life, optimistic post-war hopes — everything was perfect. But Bauman he's not done. "Making sure there is no need preferences and abilities after two years of study left," he wrote in his autobiography, preserved in his own home.

Unknowingly to them the full measure of ability led Lyakhov at the Moscow polygraphic Institute in the Department of art design of printed materials reductionistically faculty, where he studied with 1946го to 1951. This is where we met. I studied science at about the same years mechanicomathematical faculty and correspondence to the editorial office reductionistically faculty.

The people on hudojestvennaya the Department selected a talented and among teachers, and among students. We have lectured corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Alexei Sidorov (1891-1978), and the soul of the Department was Andrey Dmitrievich Goncharov (1903-1979), a student of Vladimir Favorsky (1886-1964), at that time disgraced. Andrei was brought to the audience the spirit invisible to the eye of the Fronde. It is later, in old age, he "swung" and began to blame the youth for design freaks.

Life Will Lyakhova was happily institution he graduated with honors. A few months served in the Publishing house of literature in foreign languages, and then became a graduate student under the wing of A. D. Goncharov, which Will Lyakhova loved for the talent and innate sense of decency. In graduate school, too, was doing well. At the appointed time, in 1955, the poles defended PhD thesis abstract the title "Some issues of Soviet books." Was excellent and his teaching career. In 1955 he became a senior lecturer in the 1960m, associate Professor, and in 1969м — head of the Department. Will N. was a teacher by the grace of God: brilliantly possessed the gift of improvisation, the art of oratory. For writer Inna Goff he was the prototype of Professor Bocharova from the novel "Young man with glove," which students said: "Is a person. Yes, it is the personality! We love his lectures. When he talked about chemnibud, the impression is always, what about this for the first time and what just came to his head. In General, his lectures are more like a conversation, after which I would like to work in new ways and make something of their own, fine..."

Biography of V. N. Lyakhova was clean as a whistle. Abroad it is in the most difficult years willingly allowed, and he traveled a lot. In 1958, twice visited Romania, in the 1960m went to England, and in 1961 had a long trip to the United States. Formally, he was accompanied by the exhibition of Soviet books, but actually watching, thinking, studying...

1956 V. N. The poles started out as an art critic — the title is informal, but to much binding. He wrote articles about the artists of the book by V. V. Lebedev, E. M. Rachev, J. D. Egorov, V. V. Pakhomov, and, of course, about the V. A. Tabor. To what wrote and told the young scientist, began to listen; he was elected to a prestigious position in the Union of artists, was introduced into the editorial Board and tips. In 1959, he became the youngest member of the editorial Board of the newly founded collection "Book. Studies and materials". The first volume of this edition, which played a huge role in the revival of domestic bibliology, opens where the final article by V. N. Lyakhova "ways of Soviet design books over the past 40 years."

V. N. Poles was one of the initiators of the new continuing publications "Art of book", the compiler, editor and author of the layout of the first volume, but this collection (alas!) did not survive the economic difficulties of post-perestroika time.

In 1966 he published the first monograph by V. N. Lyakhova "Registration of Soviet books." It was only a piece of the conceived Will Nikolayevich work, and there was considered a relatively narrow range of issues — the method of working of the artist and editor with elements of the external design of the book (with the dust jacket, the binding, the cover and the flyleaf). Even externally, the work seemed innovative: published in unusual extended horizontal landscape format and well illustrated, it is pleasing to the eye.

Two years later, in the 5th volume of the collection "Art book" was published article "a Tutorial and the art of book", it is fundamentally important to the Genesis of scientific constructions V. N. Lyakhova. Acquainted with a great variety of educational publications issued in our country, and abroad, Will N. stated that the best examples of educational literature art the beginning follows from the functional. Illustration, typography, methods of recruitment and layout — all of which should help pupils and students a better and deeper grasp the educational material. If so, the architectonics of the publication must be the result of a sudden inspiration came, as the result of a mathematically precise calculation. When he was first told about "design books", which the poles saw as the basis, "which is all the material — textual and illustrative, all external and internal book design".

Being a faithful disciple and follower of Vladimir Favorsky, V. N. The poles saw in the book a holistic organism, in which content and form are in close and unbreakable bond. The significance of individual components of the book of the body you can imagine just constructing a mental image of the book, its model. So there are fundamentally important and decisive train of thought NR.Lyakhova article "a Structural model of the book and prospects for its application", published in 1970 in the collection "Book. Studies and materials". Built V. N. Lyakhov graphical model of the book to this day roams the pages of the works on the General theory of book science. Agree with her, its criticize, amend, argue with her... the Thought of V. N. Lyakhova lives, is the most important thing.

For A. A. Sidorova, V. A. Favorsky, El Lissitzky and other art theorists of the book aesthetic categories coexisted with the functional purpose of the work of the press. And yet, their theoretical constructs beauty is clearly dominated by expediency. Will N. in contrast, asserted that the art of book is not something additional to enhance the decorating, and the best way to identify functional purpose of the book.

This idea forms the basis of the monograph V. N. Lyakhova "essays on the theory of art book" published in 1971 in publishing house "Book". Writings about design skills are supposed to be an example of such a skill, but the book in question, published by the surprisingly bad — on newsprint and almost no illustrations.

In the book of two parts. The first of these is called "Book — a functional system. The problem of artistic design of the book." V. N. First of all, the poles decided to show that the modern book form — the product of a long evolution that continues today. Then follows the Chapter "Structure-functional organization of the books", where V. N. The poles presented to the reader is different, as he spoke, "service" books — service semantic organization of the text, materialintensive organization of the book, visual orientation, etc. In the Chapter on the artistic design of printed publications were analyzed the different stages of this process, and this analysis is explained very clear graphic schemes. Next, consider the main problems of methodology of artistic design. The second part of the monograph is called "Problems of integrity of the book. Literature and illustration." The whole book of the body — this is important, should strive towards making the book master. And means of organization of such integrity is the composition of books and book ensemble. We talked about the main features artistic illustrations. One of the main theses of this work were the following: "the General objective of the book art... is not a traditional artistic design of the book, and the intensive complex development of it as an organization, as a functional form."

For party officials pointed to the book case, thought V. N. Lyakhova was unclear, and therefore alien and hostile. To oppose the ideas of the ideas they taught were not and acted, as always, repressive methods. The monograph Will Nikolayevich was the head of "Literature, illustration, book", which told about the features of artistic illustration about the problems of style, subject and space-time relations and other difficult matters. This Chapter, however, is full of a lot of examples that make the presentation understandable, because addiction to sciolism poles never suffered.

One example was built on the material, as written, Will N., "fascinating, moving and magnificent novel of M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"". V. N. The poles believed that this novel — "one of the books, which makes to think seriously about the nature of artistic vision of the writer and possible ways reflect his originality in the art of illustration". The text of the Chair he occupied in the monograph only two paragraphs, but it was enough to insert the name of V. N. Lyakhova in strict order of the Chairman of Goskomizdat B. I. stukalina, denounced all kinds of "ideological Subversion". Will N. was very upset by it all. Similar orders were threatened with excommunication from the publishing. The poles went to Boris Ivanovich stukalina, and seemed to have made assurances that any conclusions from the order will not be done. But then began the trouble with a doctoral thesis. It was called "Theoretical problems of art books" and essentially was a presentation of the fundamentals of the mentioned monograph, which at the time when he wrote the thesis, ready for printing.

Defended V. N. Poles in 1969 at the Moscow polygraphic Institute. Everything seems to be successful, but the Higher attestation Commission protection is not adopted. The reasons for this were advanced download the film frivolous, more like gossip, saying that opponent at Lyakhova was A. D. Goncharov, and they were co-authors together wrote some article, and he Will Nikolaevich candidate opposed to the protection of the daughter of Andrei Dmitrievich Natalia. Will N. fought with Waco for several months, but to no avail. Then write a new paper and presented it to the Institute of art history. Opponents this time were people widely known: A. A. Sidorov, G. A., Nedoshivin and Director of the State library of the USSR.

V. I. Lenin, N. M.Sikorski.

A few days before the protection Will Nikolayevich visited me and presented a new synopsis with the following dedication: "to Dr. Nemirovsky — wishing all the best — the grim receivedheader". Protection took place on 13 March 1975 and was brilliant. In his closing remarks, Will N. was crying and on March 19, 1975 died full of mysterious disease.

After the death of V. N. Lyakhova in bookshops appeared a new book "the artistic design of the book. System design. Functional analysis". It was released in the series "Library of the designer of the book" and contained practical tips. The term itself — "design" — was applied to the printed edition it Will Nikolayevich.

It failed the Will N. to see foreign editions of his major monographs. "Essays on the theory of art book" in 1975, was published in Prague in the Czech language, and in 1978м — in wrocław in the Polish language. The Czech edition, unlike Russian, 1971, in all respects it is printed on bond paper and supplied with many illustrations, including color. In the same year when he published in the Prague newspaper, the Moscow publishing house issued a collection of selected works by V. N. Lyakhova "Art of book" in the series of the largest works of art of our country.

21 December 1988 60 years V. N. Lyakhova was devoted to the meeting of the Club of lovers of the Central house of workers of arts. Were his friends and disciples

E. B. Adamov, D. S. Bisti, J. Y. Gerchuk, Yu. a. ROE, G. Yu. Sternin and the Memory of such early deceased scientist at that time was still alive, but over time gradually faded away.

"V. N. Poles in his doctrine of "art build" — the construction of a theoretical intelligent and however clear the generalizations had become in our eyes one of the founders of the science of art books, a teacher of those who want and need to make our books the best in the world not only in content, but the quality of the edition" — written by the corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. A. Sidorov in stateprison "Word about a good man," published in the newspaper "Book review" April 11, 1975

(Will N. Lyakhov — to 80-anniversary of birthday. Compuart 82005)