Georgievich Sergeev

Russia • 1926−2003

Biografie und Informationen

Thesis in the CVC - "Toilers of the sea", the evaluation - excellent. The training took place at the sculpture faculty. Qualification of artist-sculptor.

Leviski D. was born in Smolensk region.

1944-1945 he Participated in the great Patriotic war. He was awarded orders and medals.

1955 Graduated from Leningrad art College (now named. V. Serov).

1961 Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin Academy of arts of the USSR.

Accepted as a member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Beginning educational activities at the art-graphic faculty sgpi them. Karl Marx.

1962 to 1986, the Chairman of the Smolensk organization of the Union of artists of the RSFSR.

Board member of Union of artists of the RSFSR and a number of creative commissions CX RSFSR.

1965 Opened the memorial "Grieving mother", Smolensk.

Awarded the order "red banner of Labour".

A monument to "Soviet Guards, born in the battles of yelnia".

1975 Awarded the honorary title, "Honored artist of the RSFSR".

Deputy zonal Chairman of the exhibition Committee.

1986 Awarded the honorary title "people's artist of the RSFSR".

1987 Professor, Saratov state pedagogical University them. Karl Marx.

1988 - 1989 Participation in the competition for the monument to Vasily Terkin. The incentive bonus.

1995 Awarded the order of Patriotic war II degree.

A monument to Alexander Tvardovsky and V. Terkin, Smolensk.

A monument to the 234th Yaroslavl division, p. lake.

1996 Awarded the title "Honorary citizen of the hero city of Smolensk."

1999 Awarded the medal of Honor for many years of fruitful labor.

The delegate II, III, IV, V congresses of artists ' Union of the RSFSR, III, IV, VII Congress of the USSR Union.


The regional exhibition (1962),

zonal exhibition (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII),

Republican exhibition "Soviet Russia" (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX),

Republican exhibition "Physical culture and sport in fine art" (1980, 1983),

all-Russian exhibition "In his native country" (1972, 1981, 1983),

all-Union exhibition "Earth and people" (1972, 1984),

all-Union exhibition "Glory to labor" (1976, 1984),

all-Union exhibition "Sport - Ambassador of peace" (1980, 1983),

solo exhibitions (1966, 1967, 1976, 1995, 1996 from Smolensk; 1990 - Moscow).

1959 Exhibition of Leningrad artists, Leningrad.

1961 all-Union exhibition, Moscow.

All-Union exhibition of diploma works of students of fine art, Moscow.

1962 Republican exhibition "Artists to children", Moscow.

1966 Exhibition of Smolensk artists in Poland.

1971 Exhibition of Smolensk painters in Moscow.

1973 all-Union art exhibition "defending the Motherland", Moscow.

The exhibition "Sculpture of the RSFSR" on cities of Russia.

1974 traveling exhibition "Sculpture of the RSFSR" on cities of Russia.

1975 national exhibition "30 years of Victory", Volgograd.

1977 Republican exhibition "Mine Nechernozemie", in Tula, Smolensk, and Gorky.

All-Union exhibition "60 years on the Leninist path", Moscow.

1978 all-Union exhibition "60 heroic years", Moscow.

Exhibition of Smolensk painters in Moscow.

All-Russian exhibition of artists-teachers of educational institutions, Moscow.

1981 all-Union exhibition "We build communism", Moscow.

1982 all-Union exhibition "USSR - our homeland", Moscow.

1984 Republican exhibition of sculpture of small forms, Moscow.

1985 Republican exhibition "the World defended - save the world", Moscow.

All-Union exhibition "40 years of Victory", Moscow.

1986 all-Union exhibition "Space for peace", Moscow.

1987 all-Union exhibition "the country of the Soviets", Moscow.

Republican exhibition "the Artist and time", Moscow.

1988 Republican exhibition "Science and space in the service of peace", Kaliningrad, Russia.

All-Union exhibition "On guard of achievements of socialism", Moscow.

1990 Republican wystawka "for the Sake of life on earth", Moscow.

1991 inter-Republican exhibition "Monuments of Fatherland", Smolensk.

1995 all-Russia exhibition dedicated to 50 anniversary of the Victory in Moscow.

1997 exhibition devoted to the 850 anniversary of Moscow, Moscow.

The sculptor kept in the Tretyakov gallery, Moscow, gallery "Moscow" the Museum of the Decembrists in Moscow Museum and exhibition center, Togliatti State historical Museum of Moscow, museums of the cities of Smolensk, Tula, Kazan, Ryazan, Krasnoyarsk, Nalchik, as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad.

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