Yakovlevich Sablin

Russia • 1730−1808

Engraver on copper cutter in Uti. Academy Of Sciences. B. 1730, mind. July 11, 1808 and was buried at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg. A soldier's son, he was admitted a student at the drawing chamber in 1749, and in 1753 — "grigoropoulou", where he studied engraving at Eve. Sokolov, then studied with Schmidt (C 1757) and own (1764); in 1766 he received a salary of 80 rubles. per year. Of his works are known: 1) "Image battles, won by Ross. army under the command of gr. Saltykov on the Prussian army at der. Pelzige 1759", cut. together with P. by Balabanis (1761); 2) portraits of Peter I, Catherine I and Peter II, with engravings Kachalova, 1743 (probably about the same time, i.e. in 1766); 3) the statues at the hearse — "funeral procession" imp. Elizabeth (before 1766); 4) two Moscow view from 7, gravirov. "under the supervision of Mikhail Makhaev", — the assumption Cathedral with the Palace of facets and the Summer Palace Fig. Usacheva (about 1766); 5) "Hanging vertograd that when Winter Imp. Palace in St. Petersburg" — for the "PREV. Calendar" in 1773; 6) vignette placed in magazines: "Gold watches sovereigns" and "Reflections on Greek religion" (1773), and in the "Description of the Chinese Empire" (1774); 7) "Fireworks launched in January 1778", gravirov. along with You. Sokolov; 8) "the image of the terrible eruption of mount Vesuvius on 8 August 1779"; 9) order of St. Andrew on the pillow and knight of the order of St. Catherine, and perhaps other 12 images and vignettes, for "Court Calendar for 1779; 10) allegorical vignette out of Catherine II and Joseph Austrian in 1779-80. for "Court Calendar" for 1781; 11) vignette to the book "Historical description of Ross. Commerce" (1781); 12) a portrait of A. P. Sumarokov, in Fig. I. Pereleshina for the Moscow edition of his works (1780-81 years); 13) "View of the Petrovsky Palace driveway in 3 versts from Moscow" and 12 be allegorical images of the months to "Court Calendar" in 1783; 14) coins of the reign of Catherine II, in the sheet (around the same time); 15) Tver — to the "Calendar of Historical and Geographical", in 1789; 16) "Drawing Hajibeyli Bay... and built in 1793 and 1795 fortifications made in Nikolaev by order of the Vice-Admiral I. M. de Ribas"; 17) George monastery — for the book "the leisure of Crimean judge," P. Sumarokov (1803). D. rovinskiy "Detailed dictionary of Russian engravers", 1895, vol. II; "Detailed dictionary of Russian engraved portraits", 1888, under the word "Sumarokov" and "Russian folk pictures", IV, 389 and 411. — "Journal des Beaux-Arts", bule, 1807, I, 58 and "Art Newspaper" 1838, p. 475. N. S. {the Cumans} Sablin, Nikolay Yakovlevich (Sabline); engraver on copper in Acad. Sciences, 14 classes; b. in 1730, the mind. 11 Jul 1808 (buried at the Smolensk cemetery); a soldier's son. In 1753 taken hydrovalve students (and in 1749 the drawing room); student IV. Sokolov, Schmidt, and of own. In 1766 he received a salary of 80 rubles a year; engraved in the funeral procession of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna: "the statue standing next to a hearse". — His works: 1. The battle of Pelzige; engraved to them along with Balabina. The best sheet it is made by the cutter in 1761. The first text stamp. to sign, very rare. 2. In the community with the Bac. Sokolov plates engraved by him: "Fireworks, launched in January 1778". — 3. Portrait of Peter I, a copy Kachalova. — 4. Catherine I (the same). — 5. Peter II (bad leaves). — 6. Vignette to the description of the Chinese Empire, part 1. SPb. 1774 (Consent and writings); it was printed with the books: "thinking of the Greek Religion. SPb. 1773", 8° and "Gold watch of the Emperor. SPb., 1773". — 7. The eruption of mount Vesuvius on 8 August 1779; 11.2 x 7?. 8-10. Three species from the Suite of Majewski types: 1. "Under. Cm. M. M... Gr. N. Sablin. View of the Summer Palace to the South and West sides" (same in French); 8°; 2. "The Kremlin of the Old Palace from the Red porch and the Golden bars"; the same in French. The signatures of the masters of the same; 3. "View of the Assumption Cathedral and the faceted Chamber with a portion of the Ivan the Great" (the same). 11. "Hanging vineyard that the top floor of a newly built in winter | the Imperial Palace in St. Petersburg wing, between the Hermitage and two | side gallerymy that store collected Her Imperial Majesty Catherine II the treasure of Paintings. Der... Hortus Pensilis" 7.5? x 4.5?. In the court calendar for 1773, engraved with a chisel, judging from the work, Sablin. D. F. Kobeko. 12 and 13. In the court Calendar for 1779, St. Petersburg. 16°, the numbers are 14 images and vignettes, two is the signature Sablin; namely: vignette No. 3. The Order Of St. Andrew on the pillow; at the bottom are barely visible: "Sablin"; on No. 5. Commander of the order SV. Catherine: "N. Sablin". — Rochefort. 14. Allegorical vignette on a date pulse. Joseph with Catherine II, for the court calendar for 1781: "Gr. N. Sablin" — the eagle soaring to the sun, the Genius keeps in the clouds the book with the monogram of Catherine II and Joseph of Austria. Below different allegorical. shapes and in different places the inscriptions: "24 Maia 1780; 17 Jun 1780; 20 May 1779; St. Joseph 30 a. m. June 17, 1780". Below the Verses: "To the source to achieve this it is committed | From whom should the Universe illumined". — 5.4 x 3.9. 15-27. 13 images in the Calendar of the court in 1783; SPb. at Acad. science: 1) "View driveway Petrovsky Palace, just three miles from Moscow on the St. Petersburg road. | Vue de la Maison..." 5.3 x 14.7. — The 12 remaining pictures represent the allegorical figures of the months, one for each — with the caption: "February, March" etc... Under the June label: "Gr. N. Sablin". 3.6 x 1.11?. 28. A calendar of historical and geographical in 1789, with a view of Tver, graves. Sablin, and a map of the Chukchi nose, graves. L. Sergeev. 29. "View of Moscow's Summer Palace from the South and West sides (same in French). Under. CFR. M. M. SNI. V. Usachev. Gr. N. Sablin". To the Court calendar. 8°. 30. "Drawing Hajibeyli Bay, with indication of the banks thereof, the situation of the provisions for Godiba military Harbor, merchant's Wharf, and built in 1793 and 1795 fortifications. Made in Nikolaev by order of the Vice-Admiral I. M. de Ribas. Engraved N. Sablin" (Catalogue of the Museum of the Odessa Society of history and antiquities, Odessa, 1887. 15). 31. One Board for the book P. Sumarokov: "leisure of Crimean Judge." SPb., 1803: "Fig. 19. View of St. George monastery..." — Cm. Kolpachnikov. 32. Coins in Catherine's time: "Gr. N. Sablin". Worksheet. 33. Vignette (in length) in the book: "Historical description of Russian Commerce". SPb., 1781. Mercury in one hand holding scores, the other three bags with money; the right of Russia sits the compass points on the map of the Novgorod region; in left hand she holds a paper with the inscription: "Vacation | CL. 1764 | 1778" to the right of the woman with a sheaf: "grave. N. Sablin". {Rovinsky}

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