Ilich Southerner

Russia • geboren in 1931

Biografie und Informationen

Born in the city of Nikolsk in the Vologda region. In 1936 the family moved to Sochi, where he spent his childhood and school years Southerner. From childhood he loved to draw and had a passion for design.

In 1955, the young man graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute and was sent to Novosibirsk, where he worked at the plant, then head of the group in the "Elektroproekt". Currently retired.

Hrazovoe always thought he was a countryman, as thoughts of Gryazovets never left Emil Ilyich. As a result, they have created a series of paintings donated to Gryazovetskaya local history Museum.

For his contribution to the development of local history, for the restoration of art and departed, leaving the appearance of the Gryazovets southerner E. I. in 2000 was awarded the title "Honorary citizen of the Gryazovets district." Fruitful work of Emil Illich for the benefit of his native city and district continues, acquiring new interesting