Alexandrovich Mikulic

Russia • geboren in 1948

Biografie und Informationen

A member of the Union of artists of Russia,

Honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation

About me:

My ancestors from Yugoslavia. Born in Belarus in 1948. Childhood and youth in the Urals, in the village Glazunovka Chelyabinsk region.

In the family there was an atmosphere of goodwill and hard work. My love and attachment to the multinational culture of Russia originated in close communication with the residents of the village - Bashkirs, Tatars, Kazakhs, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. A huge influence on my upbringing had a father.

I started to paint early, using whatever came to hand. Studied at art school uysky house of pioneers, which is led by Alexander Demin. Art education has received in lgpi them. A. I. Herzen (art-graphic faculty) and the faculty training Institute. I. E. Repin in Leningrad.

Since 1975, live and work in Perm. Organized a people's art to them. I. N. Archaeology, art Department at the school № 65, and the restoration Department in the school № 27.

Participate in regional, zonal, national exhibitions of the Union of artists. Annually arrange 5-6 solo exhibitions in Perm and Perm region, Russian regions and abroad.

Creative credo: write heart.

All that surrounds me, feel the need to write.

The main theme for me as an artist - historical. In the past I often see and feel an Association with our time. So for example, the image of Ivan the terrible, born of the events of 3 October 1993.

I love to paint portraits. I am especially attracted to older people, on the faces and in whose eyes is reflected the experiences.

With trepidation I write the wildflowers - they are in Russia - such a variety of colors that are in tune with the soul.

The landscape is the soul of nature. Unwittingly imbued with it, merge with it into a coherent whole:

Colour, its strength, flavor - this is what defines and helps to Express feelings. My favorite artists - colorists. In Western European art is Titian, P. Veronese, D. Velasquez, Russian - Vasily Surikov, K. Korovin, V. Serov, Soviet - A. Plastov, S. Gerasimov, V. Gavrilov.

Like working on a sculpture, the dream of creating monumentally monuments. Ahead of their time.

Very much to write, very much to be achieved.

(1948, p. Zakalnoe Luban district of Minsk region of the Byelorussian SSR), teacher, painter, sculptor. Member of the Union of artists of Russia (2000). Honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation. He studied at the Leningrad state pedagogical Institute im. A. I. Herzen (art-graphic faculty). Since 1975 lives and works in Perm. In 1975 the system of vocational education organized an art Studio for them. I. N. Archaeology, in 1987 she became popular. In 2007 the system of additional education organized a Studio with the regional center "Rostok". Organized exhibitions of students from the very beginning of its work. Since 1975, Mikulic working on a landscape series and cycle of flower still-lifes under the common title "My Prikamye". One of the main themes the artist worked in different genres, - the Great Patriotic war. Since 1982, he writes a series of portraits and genre paintings "Veterans" (paintings, graphics). Wrote historical paintings "Ivan the terrible" (1993), "Fragment" (1982) and genre "Plant "Kommunar"" (1982), etc. In the district of Kama, he created a monumental monuments (busts): "pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Fedoseev", "Hero of the Soviet Union Alekseev artillery". Since 1982 worked on the film "the Flax. Belarus" (1990), creating numerous sketches from nature, sketches, paintings. Gave Luban Minsk region 44 pattern for the organization of art galleries; some works gave a picture gallery of Chelyabinsk region Wiska Works by S. A. Mikulic are located in museums of the Urals, in Russian and foreign private collections. Since 1975 he was a member of nearly all the annual regional art exhibitions, regional exhibitions (Ufa, 1997, Ekaterinburg, 2004) and all-Russian art exhibitions (Moscow, 2005). Personal exhibition of Mikulic were in the city of Vorkuta (1967) and in Minsk, Belarus (Museum of modern art, 2006). Almost every year he held a solo exhibition of works in various institutions and organizations in Perm, including the Perm. the regional ethnographer. Museum. In may-June 2007 personal exhibition of works of S. A. Mikulic was held at the Gallery of modern art in Perm.

Lit.: Sergey Mikulich: "I was Born with a brush and it does not leave" // Parma (Kudymkar). 2004. 19 Jun; Yakubovich, V. And leaf trembles on the white birch // Ural worker. 2004. June 24; Mikulich S. At the heart of everything – nature // Beam: Ecol. ADJ. to gas. "Of Perm. news". 2004. July; Gasparov, E. portrait of a hero / Star. 2005. 23 APR.; Artist Sergey Mikulich: very important stuff //. 2005. 9 St.; Zhdanov Sketches about the artist: Sergey Mikulich // Artist of Russia. 2006. No. 1/3 (Jan.-Feb.); Alexander Lukashenko signed the Permian // Koms. true, Perm. 2006. 19 Sept.; Mikulich Sergey: booklet. Perm, 2007;

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", N. V. Kazarinova)

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