Petrovich Vladykin

Russia • 1832−1878

Biografie und Informationen

One of the first professional architects Zab. Civil engineer. Graduated from the school construction CH. the Department of Railways and public buildings (1852), produced in the provincial secretaries. In the same year was appointed assistant architect in the Kovno construction and road Commission. 17 may 1868 sent to a Control building and road parts when the Governor-General Eastern. Sib. In 1870 the disease retired, 6.6.1873 re-defined the service as an assistant architect under the military Governor of the Zab. . In 1874 dismissed for illness, Jan. 1876 appointed Cheat. mountains. architect at the request of the Cheat. mountains. Duma. Awarded a bronze medal in memory Crimean war of 1853-56.

(N Pub.N.)

Ist.: RGIA, f. 1293, op. 13, 99; GACHO, f. 94, op. 1, f. 28.

Lit.: Jubilee collection of information about the activities of former pupils of the Institute of civil engineers. 1842-92. — SPb., 1893.

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